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Everything posted by KevH

  1. don't know why, but i seem to remember something about that... i've a feeling he even went on to ride at Mildenhall. suppose someone will correct me on this I could be way off the bull here, but didn't it turn out to be John Cook?
  2. KevH

    Best Ever Rider.

    I agree with all you say about Tommy J - but maybe a better way of judging if he'd have won the World Championship is this - at the time both Tommy and PC were outstanding prospects and had very similar careers up to then - PC went on to win in, therefore I'm certain Tommy would have too.
  3. They had five months to repair any damage done - not that they went fast enough to do any damage!
  4. These races used to be very common in the last match of the season at various tracks - I've seen them at Canterbury, Hackney and Eastbourne.
  5. And watching Mort team ride with PC was a joy to watch.
  6. The statistics would probably point to Dave Jessup, but my personal favourite was Chris Morton.
  7. I must agree with the above postings and say Hyde Road had more going for it than anywhere - the tradition and atmoshere alone could never be equalled at a domestic venue. Having said that, Wimbledon has been the scene of some excellent racing in it's time, also has a great tradition and it can rub shoulders with anyone where facilities are concerned.
  8. Grachan - Re-Run Videos used to film at Kingsmead so it may be worth giving them a ring.
  9. Great news - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  10. Is this a subtle hint that speedway could be about to find a new home in Yorkshire? Whatever happened to the rumoured move into Leeds? Middlesbrough could be a possibility? Is the Shay still a maybe? Go on, give us a clue :!:
  11. I think you need to explain that there is a "roadway" from the main road which leads down to the site of the old turnstiles. Grachan, walk down this roadway with the river on your right for about 300 meters and you will then be on the site of the old track. Last time I looked (about a year ago) you could still see the layout of the stadium and track.
  12. Don't go there Shazz - we got into trouble last time this subject came up didn't we? ;-)
  13. KevH

    Can anybody help

    Excellent news (if true) - The name of Leicester in the fixtures would be a very welcome addition.
  14. Many thanks for that Arnieg
  15. KevH

    Can anybody help

    This must have been a video evening at Brandon?
  16. KevH

    Can anybody help

    Thanks Madbiker - let's keep our fingers crossed because it would be great to see the Lions roar again!
  17. Does anyone have the results from the following matches in the 1991 Division Two KO Cup, please? Newcastle v Hackney Hackney v Newcastle Newcastle v Exeter Exeter v Newcastle Arena Essex v Glasgow Glasgow v Arena Essex Many Thanks.
  18. KevH

    Can anybody help

    For us non-locals, what sports currently ocupy Saffron Lane Stadium :?:
  19. KevH

    Long Eaton

    I read the press release and things do look promising - a bit of an inconvienience about the car park though :!:
  20. KevH

    Can anybody help

    Good for him Gem - it's always good to believe in yourself - did he rate Plantie highly too? :clown
  21. It's possible that Hamburg is the nearest airport to Vojens (apart from a private airfield about a mile from the track). I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm right.
  22. rofl. Nice one addy. Don't encourage her - you'll make her worse :roll:
  23. I'm also interested in getting Division Two results from the 1993 season - has anyone got any links or info for that please?
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