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Everything posted by westhamboy66

  1. Couldn't agree more. Looking forward to seeing the boys give it a go at the sports most experienced Promotion. One thing Len Silver can be proud of is his commitment to the youth development aspect of Speedway. All without the unwanted distractions of other sports sharing the venue thus ruining speedway. Fingers crossed for the weather at Rye on Saturday
  2. Both Richie and Luke had pretty good meetings at Leicester as did Melgren. Can't say the same about Charlie whose lack of points cost us the match and i have to say that if Nelson arrives i'd rather keep Melgren than Charlie. Seems to me so far Charlie is going through the motions and saving himself for Belle Vue and picking up a bit of money on side. Always worries me when a rider is doubling up and he is scoring more in the EL than the PL
  3. Tyburn Gallows and Kid Bodie...two dodgy names from the Speedway past. Does that mean they were criminals as is being suggested re Nelson. Rumour has it that one day someone will have the guts to A) Put the rumours on here for all to read or Ask him face to face when he eventually arrives. Either way the tiresome nonsense may then stop. Stories put about on here seem to have little substance and as such should be removed by those with the power to do so before someone eventually finds themselves in court as has happened with other similar forums.
  4. The signing of Charlie is a no brainer. Very pleased we have secured him for the rest of the season. What annoys me is the taken for granted RR for Jordan. Even with Nelson back assuming that will happen we simply can't cover using RR. In assuming his wrist wil be ok in 6-8 weeks the Management could be way off the mark. Always a difficult injury to heal and the bone in question is notoriously bad bone to damage for speedway riders. In my opinion a temporary replacement was a must. Without a like for like replacement we will struggle at home and i shudder to think how we will fare on the bigger faster tracks where you would expect Jordan to excel. Lastly best wishes to Chris. From the last press release his injury is clearly a bad one needing lots of hard work for him in the coming months. Good luck with that.
  5. Doesn't offend me at all and no apology required as you having a smile on your face allows me to sleep at night but i still fail to see the humour in....... 1 My team losing three riders with relatively serious injuries within a week of the season opening 2 Riders being placed in financial difficulties due to long term absence from the sport 3 The club potentially being put at more risk due to the makeshift team thus affecting gates even further. If you are getting your enjoyment out of the above ok no problem for me as it seems your sense of humour is more worrying than my lack of humour over riders injuries
  6. Silver could easily have started with Boxall but didn't so no logic in your thinking. He may well end up there but not as some sort of plan. But then again i suppose that 3 injuries are Len's fault Highly amusing. Personally i can see nothing funny about problems arising at a club due to riders being injured but there you go takes all sorts i suppose. Perhaps another rider may get injured at Plymouth on Friday or at Rye on saturday to give you a bit more material eh? Seems like you are enjoying the injuries to Rye. But keep the jokes coming they are real big belly laughs
  7. Actually thought it was all about the speedway rather than beer and chips all of which if its so urgent are all available outside . I would rather have a good attractive team to watch performing on a well prepared race track. That's what it's all about surely. What the club takes in bar and food outlets is not of any interest to me. You either buy the stuff or not, your choice As far as someone with investment and an eye for the future The Russell Brothers anyone? They always have the ability to shut a track down if that's what you want. Silver purchased the Lease to the stadium has improved it no end compared to what it was like in the bad old days. As far as an eye on the future has any current Promoter in British Speedway done more to nurture new talent. If there is such a beast name him. As far as commitment to the team Silver has always rewarded riders who show their commitment to the club. Seems fair to me.
  8. RIP Mr How. Second sentence is a touch insensitive surely?
  9. I have seen Robert Lambert a few times and at such a young age he looks the real deal. His times at Rye House are only about a second outside the normal PL times(sub 59 secs) and faster than many in the NL. He looks really tidy and very well turned out. Shame that a decent thread started by cometsfan was hijacked but then this is the speedway forum i suppose. Here is Robert in action
  10. Captive audience nowhere else to park £2 = rip off £4 Programme = rip off What's happened to Sheffield? Call that a racers track...rubbish £46 plus half a tank of diesel down the drain PLRC for me used to be the best meeting of the season but they got that badly wrong on sunday Doubt I'd go next year if its at Sheffield
  11. The thing i love about the U S Speedway is the formula used i.e scratch and main but also how there is constant entertainment on track. Riders entering the track as the previous riders leave. Very little messing around with 2 min warnings etc and rarely the time wasting we see in Britain. Hope it can be replicated and good luck with the tour Steve
  12. Nonsense. Why the constant knocking of Len Silver? had cold chips maybe? Glad to get back to the Raiders brand for next season. Pity that The Arena set up didn't have the enthusiasm to fully see it through but then i suppose it's down to money for them as well as so many blank dates in their programme that they entered into it in the first place. Fortunately there are Promoters like Len Silver who will continue to do all he can for the young riders
  13. Small track team going to Sheffield rarely ends up close to them....bit like sheffield at rye...generally rubbish
  14. If averages allow it will be the current seven back again. Why would Len Silver spend the Linus money on a new number 1 that's not how it works in the Premier league. PL have always moved riders on for money not the other way round. For those who continue to bang the Ben Morley drum he's nowhere near the PL standard so why destroy his confidence again?
  15. As i have been to Grindsted before we hope to go on sunday but can i ask that if the GP is rained off and is moved back to sunday would the grindsted meeting also be put back. Hope the wather is ok as i would love to do both Wish i had known about the holsted meeting though as we are staying in hamburg on friday en route so no chance of doing it now
  16. We Intend doing this meeting following Vojens but does anyone have any idea of the admission costs. We are changing up some Krone but unsure how much we'll need. Also should the GP be rained off would the meeting still go ahead or would it be pushed back to the evening. I did email Grindsted but unfortunately i didn't get a response. Thanks in advance
  17. Was in the tempstand for a change didnt't notice too much dust but then again was watered once during the meeting that i noticed. Track seemed better than the Newcastle meeting when as you say the dust was back. Len said last night before racing that he wasn't happy with the current stuff as it's too heavy like pure clay and the water pre meeting doesnt soak in a couple of inches as he would like. Too technical for me as i haven't a clue but he was quite frustrated about it. This was me earwigging on the patio by the way not an announcement or anything. Amazing what you can hear as you eat your chips.
  18. Umpteen rainoff's lately which means no cash flow, running out of dates for the more important PL but it's Mildenhall so i'll call it off for the fun of it! No wonder why so few people are bothering with this forum these days. Perhaps i missed the point of the thread i.e Hackney v Mildenhall and some constructive points about the meeting but that would be too much to ask for i suppose Anyway if it's on Hackney by a couple of points. Shame Cameron Heeps is not fit as it would have been good to see how he went around Rye
  19. Seems a bit trange that you rule out Glasgow based on it's geographical location to quote "it's not central enough" You then go on to give acceptable venues for such meeting and include POOLE and SOMERSET. Have you by any chance looked at a map? Can't take you post seriously i'm afraid if you think fans based in Newastle Berwick Edinburgh Workington Sheffield Redcar Glasgow etc would be better served geographically by an event in Poole rather than Glasgow
  20. I think the answer is simpler than that. The fours is a shared event then simply allow those who won't be at the restaging to use the five pound off at any track. that can then be claimed back by the promoter concerned. Any other way and supporters are again having the pi** taken out of them yet again
  21. nonsense if that was the case he would have simply used another one kids made a mistake but i fear his real mistake was getting caught unlike others who are probably doing the same weeks ban seems enough
  22. The National league is there to promote youth, nothing more nothing less and i doubt there is another Promoter alive who has done more than Len Silver in this regard. Certainly not Jon Cook. Personally i hope we retutn to the Raiders brand for next year and give the Rye faithful another team to support rather than alienate most Rye fans with the Hacks brand. Nothing against the movement to get Hackney back but if Arena were serious about it they would have tapped into the Hammers connection and gone for a West Ham team. However being successful in this venture was not a prime objective for Cook and Co it was simply as a fixture filler with the league formula leaving holes in the Arena programme. I said this in the beginning and it remains my view. Think Jon Cook has tainted his name in all this
  23. Credit where credits due good value. Shame though i doubt i'll bother to stay as i get bored after five hours. While everyone complains about the track the thing that does me at the moment is the time taken to run meetings these days. The Brit under 19 could have been a decent meeting but at 3 hours plus I lose interest. Yes there are unavoidable delays due to crashes etc but there are just too many stupid delays with refs being the main cause due to a lack of urgency. There was a time when i loved double headers but now each meeting is 2+ hours and along with the interval for track prep it's just too much poncing about
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