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About Stokie052

  • Birthday 10/27/1973

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    Rock, Metal

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    Speedway, Computers, Beer, my daughter, my ducati :)

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  1. Spinny i would also say that Yorkshire is deffo North.. infact i would say Cheshire and up are north! Worcester and up to south cheshire being the midlands anywhere below that as the south Just my opinion
  2. I though the goverment dictated where the north south devide was? I'm sure Blair thought it was anywhere of watford gap that made you a northerner I may have a run up to see this!
  3. Thank you! a serious question asked and answered.. i asked it because i choose not to watch "Elite" speedway as i find it boring! Although from the threads on here NP does it not only in GP's but in more or less every meeting he rides in at a whim!
  4. I see these threads always attract the same high horse bregade.... i wasnt at the gp and didnt bother watch it on tv either, but these british fans that are a disgrace are the same british fans that have put money in mr pedersens pocket for years! They werent a disgrace then? these are the same fans that have continually seen him push rider after rider into the fence year after year and seen him go into the pits with a smile on his face from ear to ear... has he ever worried about the riders he's smacked into the fence time and time again? judging from his smiles... not a cat in hells chance! you make your bed you lay in it! AFAIC!
  5. what people want to know is speedway going ahead in spain? nothing more nothing less and speedyguy is asking publically the questions what people are asking or thinking, you Mr Ribbons are turning the subject and the thread around into a slanging match for personal greivances etc, Russell made the possibility of speedway public via "that" TV show and is he nieve enough to think that people wouldnt show an interest in it? NO that why he "advertised" it. at the end of the day we just want to know whats happening as maybe some of us want to take business Russells way and help make his track a sucess, but frankly with posts like yours i have to agree with Lunchy and think Fek it, with posts like yours its not the best advertising for the track
  6. was the GPin 2005 i was with vog

  7. met you in the flesh... but a few years down the line,, your still hotter than ever :)

    you at cardiff in 2008?

  8. would be more dangerous with brakes to ride on ice! exactly the first step after an accident is often A&E as its the place where their injuries are asessed and decisions on their treatment taken so i would say you way off the mark on that one.... shawn your making yourself look an arse the more you type!
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