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Everything posted by RLDTIGER

  1. Has anyone got a server that works that we could practice on?
  2. Craig you will be in the main body of the team for the first friendly, if there turns out to be 6 or 7 of us i will give you my place is that ok mate?
  3. I'm not sure either but there is a lot of us in the same boat at the moment mate we will just have to wait and see if we ask them to hurry it along they might be able to
  4. At least we have got 5 riders for the GBvDF I can only assume we will be riding at wolverhampton for the GBvPOL from previous posts and i know spook has asked them to ride on a british track but we will find out once we get there
  5. Does anyone know what track we are riding on for mikowhys friendly?
  6. GB Pack I dont think there is a wolverhampton for version 2 yet
  7. Excellent! We might need you to take shawns place, and you can ride in the first friendly if you wish to? Check out my post on page 65 for details
  8. lol Jason have fun pimpin Even if we do get hammered at least we will have tried
  9. The time of the friendly is 8pm our time (GMT) and the IP is not yet known instead go to this chat room at 8pm and everyone should be in there that is racing they will be able to help you out Chat room link is - http://www.polchat.pl/chat/?room=To...b+Reprezentant
  10. If mikowhy is using a polish track for his friendly you can race in the first one
  11. The first friendly against Mikowhy's team is at 8pm GMT Chat room link - http://www.polchat.pl/chat/?room=STS+-+Dangling+Foreskins Who can and wants to ride in this first friendly? Please post here or on the BSF STS forum Link - http://pcnorwood.forumcircle.com The team for the first friendly is as follows: Octane Boney Craig DartfordHammer Meric PCNorwood Don't give a maybe answer a simple yes or no As for the second friendly GBvPOL 9pm GMT Track - Wolverhampton, GB pack - Link http://www.polchat.pl/chat/?room=To...b+Reprezentant The team is as follows chosen by spook: 1) Octane 2) Welly 3) PC Norwood 4) Shawn 5) Adz 6) Meric 7)Craig Are you all able to ride in this friendly? Again dont give a maybe answer Does everyone now understand? Thanks, Octane
  12. Does't work for me Try mine new demo version to start with!
  13. Bugger must have done something wrong.... but what i dont know
  14. Could someone try this one..... P.S. GB tracks
  15. I can do the friday meeting.....number 1? are you sure Please could the people that can run servers (that do actually work ) PM me other than pcnorwood, panthersfan, and spook. I will try and set one up following spook's instructions hopefully it will work
  16. That one doesn't work for me just say's connection failed
  17. I (Octane) can't remember seeing the insult either but it was good fun anyway i had a laugh, oh and don't worry mikowhy i'll get some more taining done
  18. Just had my first few race's with the polish, I got annihilated
  19. I'd like to be in a team too! I have not been up against anybody yet because i can't seem to get the network play to work
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