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Everything posted by Nikkif

  1. Read your message about this yesterday - already have a few tricks up my sleeve
  2. Always one My team... Crump - Captain Adams Hancock Harris Iversen Thanks for running this Bert
  3. We could do Russia and Cardiff together I had to get a Russian visa very last minute early this year, and I used a company based in London to help me - they were amazing. So helpful, and very very quick!
  4. Now not only am I grumpy I cant go to Leszno, but Im also hungry
  5. Nikkif

    love you lots but not as much as jelly tots! xx

  6. If you read all the post properly you;ll see I want to add the additional three I mentioned in my first post as a possibility
  7. can I add that possible 3 please (still waiting for them to confirm, but expecting it to be a yes) I'll make sure we dont chug all the vodka on the way there this year so the journey back is more lively! Can we have less Christmas songs from the back though?!
  8. Its the The Weird World of Subedei .... see Schumis sig for the link to it
  9. 21st will then use a "no I cant buy a round of drinks, Im a student" line all weekend. Instead I shall take a helium balloon with your photo stuck on it so I can carry u around with me!
  10. Ive already said Im gonna try not to get into such a state that Im gonna need babysitting!!
  11. Stupid question, of course I'll be there!! Counting down the days already!! Mission for 2008 - Im not gonna crash and burn sat nite - I will see dawn break!! I'll be at the airport making sure u actually go I'll prob pop along for a drink or two at your leaving party... then throw another one once you've gone to celebrate!
  12. Ive found a fab website - until u click on the links... then I get confused. I dont like German! But I now know the names of a few places - couple of good looking bars, then a couple of clubs
  13. most recent text Ive recieved.... "more dirt on the m40 than there is on this typical olsen track" edit: link for updates... poole updates site
  14. Had a text this morning to saying "jeez its bloody freezing" - dont think my mum took a warm enough coat
  15. Thanks Mama and Pete for organising this Had a fab day out.... we found the best place to stand eventually and had a fantastic view! Couldnt believe quite how packed the place was! Swindon lot... if u have to sing on bus journeys again in the near future, please no xmas songs!! And the irony of singing "what would you do if I sang out of tune" out of tune!! We did have a good old laugh at u all!! Rico - that convo was just as surreal listening to it! Was an interesting choice of lines he should use to pick up the ladies! Lawerence - Im still waiting my email xx
  16. I gave jenn my Cardiff services poncho - I do hope she hasnt gone and lost it!!
  17. 'borrow' it from work! And no, for some reason I never felt the need to throw toilet rolls around the hosue
  18. lucky youre going away - think you'd get a smack at the pub sat nite if u werent! its till roll u need - toilet roll doesnt fly very far as its too light. Till roll reaches the track
  19. First time we went we stayed in a gorgeous hotel the otherside of the river - wasnt a long walk at all (unless u got a tad lost after a few too many drinks opps!) And Me, Lora and Jenn dont class as butter wouldnt melt?! We did stop u going in the first club - seemed even seedier than the one we ended up in! And we didnt drag u, u took us - not that there was much kicking and screaming from any of us
  20. I nearly smacked this bloke who kept looking at my chest then pointed at it and all his mates stared too - then I remembered what the tee shirt said! I cant remember everyone I met - but Im sure it was great meeting u! And was lovely to catch up with friends If I was grumpy, sorry - blame Shazzy and her bad influence Friday nite
  21. Good luck finding anything much cheaper! Camping maybe your best/only option if youre on a tight budget
  22. Does the thread not ask who is and isnt going?! Unless Im reading them wrong - all the replies have been people either saying they are or arent I shallnt be there either Sir Jasper - I know you'll miss me... I'll be thinking of u as Im sat in a beach side bar in the Caribbean (we've already found one place that'll show it for us )
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