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Everything posted by Nikkif

  1. We stayed in Essen last year, and didnt seem to be much going on there, so stopping in Dusseldorf this year.
  2. Am I no longer a point of contact?? I want the emails too
  3. Its like a second home We're booked in there again for next year That you are thanks
  4. Right, everyone is now at Chez Fairy and the car is nearly packed!!!! Im not sure we can get anything else in the car - someone will need to be on the roof I think!! The Bird has called from the hotel and is settled in and on her first vodka. Nikki says - Byeeeeeeeeeeee 21st says - oh okay - I dont have much to say A61 - says adios daddy Fairy says - peace at last Lora- is already in the car!!!! So from wellesbourne to cardiff - ROAD TRIP!!!! We on our way see you all there this is random - I wonder f the redbull is working yet
  5. That really sounds like something I would do!!
  6. I think she may be mad at me ah well. A few glass of wine next weekend and all will be forgotten/forgiven. Its a shame we have to take a break for some speedway in all of this socialising isnt it?!
  7. Shazz has been packed for the last month! Get the bottles out of the cupboard and put them on the side. Maybe the sight of them will bring back memories (or blank patches) of Cardiff last year, and will excite you!
  8. I'll bring my wine glass that holds a bottle of wine in it Mmm... wouldnt call it messy - just eventful!! When I phoned the hotel the other week, they remembered me as one of the 2 who didnt go to bed all weekend. Not sure if I should be proud or hanging my head in shame!
  9. Oppps, hopefully a61 wont see and think I'm having an affair!!
  10. 1. I got a text from Flumper the other day my reply was "21st would be proud of that comment" I'll make sure I dont delete them and show you Friday. 2. She'll be back where she belongs on Sat (bringing her toothbrush to my house and leaving it there for the summer!) I can imagine the smiles (and hopefully some disappointment) if A16 and I ever did announce we were lesbians! 3. We'll be in the cheap seats! I make a great secretary. 4. Shaz is another influence in my downfall. I was actually innocent and well behave before I was corrupted by some people on here (mainly you and your filth!)
  11. Ooh Beehave, I'd have asked for your help, but I doubt you'll be in any fit state either! I have a cracker of a drinking game I think we should play one of the evenings. And no, its not I have never. And no it isnt strip <insert game here>!!!
  12. I'll have a bottle of white wine please?! All the more for me then And means you can help carry me back to the hotel if your sober!! Oh you do come out with some crackers every now and again! Oh I'm so excited. May even pack my lil rucksack at the weekend, Got to make sure the clothes to alcohol ratio is right - as long as there is enough clothes to wrap the bottles to stop them breaking i know I've got it right.
  13. Mmmm...... cant think of anything which doesnt offend! Edit: Yes I can.... ask mum
  14. We've already got a lift - thanks for the offer/thought though! See you in Cardiff
  15. And again.. theres always one - and it always seems to be you!!! Bert had said in the post before yours when you could make transfers
  16. Actually.... 17658 (I have photographic evidence of the screen as they put the figure up!!)
  17. Dunno where my team is - so I'll stick with what I have please!! Thanks
  18. The sarcasm doesnt come across as well in writing as it did on the phone does it?!
  19. I'll stick with Crump as captain please Bert Thanks
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