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Everything posted by GLYN

  1. Not really,considering it was the World cup final.I ain't bothered about watching the so called "Elite" league,so £3 instead of £40 seems like a result to me.Or I might go down the pub and watch it and spend £37 on Lager for me and the missus!That sounds even better! (especially if you can't hear the commentary).
  2. Did the same thing myself,totally spoilt the World Cup for me.Have come up with a solution though,I have cancelled my Sky subscription,and I'll buy the dvd off e-bay for £3.I know it's not like watching it live,but at least if some of the programme is missing it will only cost me £3 instead off about £40 with the Sky package.
  3. As far as I know,it was in Swadlincote,Derbyshire.And it was taken over by Pete's apprentice Jon Hughes,and is now trading as JHR.
  4. GLYN

    Stephen Barr

    He just rides out in the bush with his son,and he likes to spend time camping as well.I think he's lost touch with most of the riders from that era,I suppose as there is virtually no speedway to go to in the Sydney/Liverpool area now,you tend to lose touch.If anyone has found any photos don't forget to post them,and I'll pass them on,thanks,Glyn.
  5. GLYN

    Stephen Barr

    Yes mate,he was at Stoke in 1977 and Boston in 1978 I think.He went back home at the end of 78 but never came back,shame really as he was a good rider.
  6. Just looked at the 'kangaroos' thread and noticed that quite a few people remembered Steve.I still keep in touch with him through his Mum and Dad in Australia.If anyone has any memories or photo's of him please post them and I'll pass them on to him.I always remember him being the fastest rider over 3 1/2 laps then having an almighty fall on the last lap!Or hiding in the dressing room from his female fans.!
  7. GLYN

    John Hough

    Former Stoke,Wolves and Birmingham rider John Hough is moving to Perth this winter.If anyone remembers John and would like to leave a message on here please do so I'm sure he will be happy to hear from you.
  8. Thanks for the reply,I think I'm sorted out with a copy.Thanks anyway,Glyn.
  9. Did anyone tape the GP on dvd or vhs from Saturday?Set mine up on the wrong channel .Came back off holiday and found I'd recorded 3 hours of Golf!!! Could I ask if anyone would send me a copy,I'll either pay you for the disc/tape or I'll pay the postage.E-mail me through the website.Thanks,Glyn.
  10. Simon Cross,Jimmy Nilsen and Lance King.
  11. Can anyone reccomend any decent hotels in Prague? Is it far to Marketa from the city centre? Cheers folks!
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