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*+*+ paul_lee_rocks *+*+*

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Everything posted by *+*+ paul_lee_rocks *+*+*

  1. i dont no weather i should be putting this oin small writing but for once i think that i do actually agree with silver bee a shock to the body i know hahaha some people on here need to get a grip and need to stop thinking they are the bee all and end all of speedway. some people have also thought that they rule the roost for far to long, and its about time they go back to the corner they come out of!!!!! breathe easy rant over
  2. the best one had to be brandon quartermen's ome it was a st goegore's one and it says 'brandon says go scotty' that little boy is so talented he only 9 months old
  3. personally i think it was to early for some of these kids was to young for them to have a few rides before the gp. okz a lot of them enjoyed it and that but it got to one that i nowho was riding there for many reasons. but generally i think it was to early to put some of them on that sort of stage!
  4. ay maybe thts why we thought it was you sorry for that mix up adam my apolagises
  5. hi ya all i was woundering if you could give me a bit of information please! i was having a disgusion with my boyfriend laast night anout the unber 15 equipment and we could find out weather the under 15s ride 500 cc or soometing less i no we asked adam lowe and the one bike he has a spin on around monmore was a 360 i think (cant rememebr wot was sed but i no it wasnt a 500) so if anyone could just lighten the subject please thankz in advance becki x
  6. does anyone no whn the under 15 fixtures are comin out?
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