This was the first gp I had attended (I am Pantherman's partner), met some smashing people throughout the day, it was great to see people chatting and having a good time regardless of who supports who. But sadly in the stadium, the group sitting in front of us were intent on having a ball - even if it meant ruining everyone elses night. I have no issue with people having as much beer as they can hold, I'm partial to a few myself, but its a bit worrying when young people want to fight an older gentleman and abuse a father with his young son, because of the football shirt he was wearing. I totally missed the last race due to the 'almost' fight with the young men and older gentleman, I'd just like to say, 'well done!' to that group what a fantastic show you put on. But apart from that nonsense, well done to Scott - I think he did himself proud. Just wished Loram had been well enough to ride.