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  1. Sophie Blake is CRAP! Sorry guys but other than something to look at so you all think she is absolutely useless and seems to think she is something special she flirts with anyone she speaks to so that must make her pretty desperate!
  2. AGAIN Well Done Lee Richardson on a great performance for Team GB you did the Brits proud. Now, where are all the critics gone on here who are quick to put him down? but not as quick to praise him when he's done well. Funny that!
  3. What a surprise! stick up for the aussies but not for your own country man whether you like him or not
  4. First of all they didn't interview crumpy so will never know if he would go on and on etc and when crumpys not getting his own way and not winning!
  5. I agree!! but don't seem to hear anyone moaning about crumpy I wonder why?? Its a shame though that there are people who can pick on their own country man but it's ok when any of the aussies is sick I for one are really glad the aussies never got through
  6. Well done Lee you did a fantastic job for Team GB and I for 1 are very proud of you
  7. Well said totally agree with you! And at least a rider is a true patriot unlike many so called Team GB fans on here who can't even stick behind the riders whether they are ill or not!
  8. Congratulations Middlo you did a great job as usual! And also Well Done to Lee Richardson you did us proud, dispite your illness you carried on and did a fantastic job for Team GB
  9. The Gp next year sounds like a great idea and will be more exciting to watch and at least it gives all riders a chance instead of the elimination rounds looking forward to it already roll on 2005
  10. Glad to know someone else has noticed how much sophie does interview Lee Richardson! Maybe she think's she stands a chance with him? Doesen't she know or even care that Lee has a Fiancee and a Son!!
  11. That is one way to look at it! What is even more gut-wrenching is that the post apparently came from someone within Poole Tourism! says a lot about Poole really, the fact that it states they have stood by him over the past few weeks with everything that happened at POOLE, that affected TEAM GB and the same manager for both clubs is from the POOLE area - yet they stand behind a Dane............... Personally, I cannot see that Hans showing off Poole Tourism on his kevlars will do much for bringing people to Poole for their holidays! Nicely said I agree with you both totally!
  12. Hmmmmm! Interesting view there Sue! I guess where we were sat behind the glass just as they come off the 2nd bend we did get a better view of it and this was helped later when at home watching it on TV, replayed several times so Shaz and I could see him actually shutting off whilst pinning Scott to the line, looking across and basically looking straight into PK's eyes (that is something that freaks me out anyway, the fact PK takes his glasses off to race!!! argh....) but then says in the interview that he didn't see him! All that said, I have nothing against Hans as a person, I get on well with him, but I do not like Hans the rider.........! Still as I stated on another thread - well done to him for tonight and I am pleased that his hand injuries are OK now! Couldn't agree with you more......
  13. It's not a case of forgetting, simply moving on in life try it sometime! That is exactally what I am saying everyone moans at the time but never follows it through! Lets let everyone walk all over us!!!
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