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Everything posted by RobMcCaffery

  1. Currently relaying Eurosport 2,presumably the Polish channel. . The earlier match must have finished on time. They're showing tennis right now.
  2. I'm overjoyed for you all at Oxford to see that you are on the brink of winning your long hard-won fight. It gives inspiration to all of facing similar battles. I so look forward to visiting Cowley next year. This wasn't just Oxford's fight. Well done.
  3. Having spent several hours today on our case it's frankly demoralising to have to read this kind of ill-informed comment. We have signed affidavits from five prospective promotions, many comprising some very respected speedway figures who all attempted to deal with Musk over reinstating speedway at Rye House. I rather trust their judgement of a nameless observer. How do you know it's a lost cause? You lazy, negative posters keep putting such statements online without ANYTHING to support them apart from their own ill-informed judge,ment. Normally such rubbish can be ignored but in our delicate position I really question the motivation and judgment of people making such remarks. It would be welcome if we could get on with the job without self-serving 'experts' trying their best to undermine the whole thing. Yes it IS damaging. I'm fighting ill-health to help Rye House and quite frankly when I see comments like this and 'winstoncigar''s I really question whether I should continue. But that's the way of speedway - shoot down anyone who's actually trying to achieve something. I'm so glad this is my final involvement. The 'experts' can carry on trashing the sport to feed their stupid egos in peace soon.
  4. The supporters will argue that it's the local comments that matter but ironically those 'local' comments are not strictly local in this case. Due to a quirk in the local government boundaries the track comes under East Herts Council while the rest of Hoddesdon and the main Lee Valley come under Broxbourne. Our argument would be that the Hoddesdon comments are not local either. What matters are the numbers. We can show that there is substantial interest in this case well outside the area - within our sport it is a national matter. You also have to bear in mind that the developers' 'selling' of their scheme is local so only people in the area are seeing and being taken in by their argument. They promise a regeneration of Rye House, providing a nice clean 'Affordable community hub' for the kiddies. I think we can quickly see through tis. They are creating a facility for the well-off adults, not the local children, but playing the card that local children will benefit is, while underhand, very persuasive. In effect, they're read the propaganda, most of us haven't. We're stressing the national and international aspect of Rye House within the sport. The developers are trying to portray us like an abandoned skate park where the users have moved on to other things. The track was apparently abandoned and no longer used. Brandon Estates are doing the same over Coventry. Our chief weapon is our concern whether planning guidelines have been flouted. The way in which Rye House Group have ploughed ahead without even considering applying for permission does not count in their favour while the constant fobbing-off of both park and council shows a similar lack of respect for standard planning procedures. It looks, and I repeat looks like this is all pre-judged and that parties are just going through the motions. IF this is so then there is a serious breach of planning procedures. This is why our barrister has filed a case with the Local Government Ombudsman with the intention that they will perform a thorough investigation. A court order to suspend the process is also under serious consideration. The key issue there would be cost. As you can see, there is far more going on than just registering objections. Thanks for objecting. Every little helps. Rob.
  5. We have lost a giant influence on the sport. His legacy will be the magazine that he saved from ipc's scrapheap and made it survive as an independent title. The Star has been a far better magazine than the sport often deserved. Thank you for that Philip. My condolences to his family, both at home and at Pinegen.
  6. Watching them spend all this time working on the track reminds me of someone trying to give a bald man a haircut..... Hope they cure that fault on bend two - vital race for Kemp coming up. Needs a second to guarantee silver while a win would need Gusts to drop a point in his final ride to force a run-off. It's not looking likely, given Gusts' opponents in his last race. Either way Drew has put in an outstanding performance - only rider to beat Gusts - so far
  7. I'm sorry but the last thing, the very LAST thing we need is a posting like this. You praise us for our efforts at the same time as kicking the ladder out from us. What's more important, the fight to save Rye House or your ego? I'll give you a while to think that one through. This forum really does more damage to the sport than people like you realise. We've just had a tough week then we get a kick in the teeth like this. How the hell do you know what is or isn't viable? How do you know how much capital prospective promotions have? I know one of the prospective promoters is a builder who is well aware of the work needed. I know, you're "Just saying". So am I. I'd made it clear that this project would be the last thing I would do for speedway. Stupid postings like yours from people hiding like cowards behind stupid names convince me that I've made the right decision. At least I've tried to do something rather than play the lazy cynic and try to pass myself off as someone with special insight. I recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of my first meeting. It's time to go..... Yes that is a harsh response. So is losing Rye House especially if people like you help the people doping it. Are you really unable to see the damage this causes? Rob McCaffery.
  8. Thanks Martin. Equally I hope that the Isle of Wight survives and thrives.
  9. Any mention of Sky money? We are desperately trying to prove that the track is viable, in the right hands. Anything that undermines that isn't helpful.
  10. Many thanks Brian, I suspect we will be talking at some point.
  11. We're the lead story on page 2 of this week's Speedway Star. Thanks to Paul, Andy and the rest of the team at Pinegen.
  12. We're the lead story on page 2 of this week's Speedway Star and the response to sharing our request for people to object to the planning application and to share that request over as many groups as possible is going well. There's a long road to go and a very tough fight but we're getting the backing within speedway that we hoped for. Thanks to all. Rob.
  13. Regarding team names I asked a Swedish journalist for a rundown during a drive from Vetlanda to his home in Kalmar on the south east coast. His answer to Vetlanda's then name, Njudungarna was simple "The followers of Njud". I decided it was better not to ask further. The following morning he took us to the local beach to pick up his wife and children. It's not often your first meeting with a contact's wife is when she's naked.......
  14. Thank you to all who have objected. The 1000+ objections to the previous application have now been cancelled along with that application so we're having to start again. Another 1000 or even higher can only help to disprove the falsehood that Rye House is an abandoned, forgotten speedway track. If you want to object, here's the link: https://publicaccess.eastherts.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=QUE1RFGLN4800 It could be your track next. We still have a chance. We've hired a barrister who has shown a great interest in the case and after filing objections over procedures at the two authorities involved is now taking our complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. It's hard fight but far from a lost cause.
  15. The link to the comments page on the council's website is here. It could be your track next time. https://publicaccess.eastherts.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=QUE1RFGLN4800
  16. Thanks for this Brian, your views on and experience of the planning process are welcomed and respected. We have until August 12th to object so we still have over three weeks to build that objection total. Having studied the actions of the two authorities (Lee Valley Park and East Herts District Council) our barrister is in the process of reporting this case to the Local Government Ombudsman. There have now been four planning applications, all retrospective, one of which was withdrawn after rejection by key consultees over flood risk and access concerns. You do begin to wonder what's going on. I rather think our barrister will find out. He's very interested in this case. We need those objections and we thank all that have objected so far. . The total last time was very impressive and could have a key role to play. We need to prove that there IS a future for speedway at Rye House, that there are strong economic considerations for retaining speedway in view of its attraction to the area of many from over the country. We always knew it was going to be a difficult fight but as you know the effort can pay off. There's something wrong and we aim to put it right! There are worse things to spend your spare time on......
  17. Taking a look at the schedule for the bottom three. All have three meetings to race: (the scores are those of the first matches to show the targets for bonus points: Torun - 7 Home - Gorzow (40-50), Lublin (39-51) Away - Czestochowa (41-49) Zielona Gora - 6 Home - Leszno (36-54) Away - Gorzow (40-50) Wroclaw (27-63) Grudziadz - 5 Home - Czestochowa (36-54) Away - Leszno (39-51) Lublin (45-45) Looking at those matches, given form over the season I could see all three failing to gain a point. Of course they may not all go to form. I'd say the team with the greatest chance of a win is Grudziadz in their home match with Czestochowa. We shall see. It looks good for Torun but Zielona Gora could still be in trouble if Grudziadz get that win. Nothing is certain. It'll be interesting to find out.
  18. Three way tie for 6th between Grudziadz, Torun and Zielona Gora on 6 with three (tough) matches each to go.
  19. It just amazes me that this forum is full of people picking up on every 'evil' perpetrated by the BSPL, that when a business is genuinely ripping them off that's okay and they are beyond criticism. There are people bitching about refunds for postponed meetings yet Eurosport can do what they like. This used to be a treasured corner of common sense away from the stupidities of the BSF. Sadly those days seem to be over. Keep paying the money and remember they're business not charities (*) (*Of course that excuse doesn't apply to the BSPL). We've got a respected promoter on here who can't find the wretched coverage. He's not alone. Do you really think there's not a problem or is the truth too inconvenient for you all?
  20. Of course they're not. So you think it's right to move coverage off their two main channels in order to get people to pay a second subscription? Given your argument a business can justify any kind of behaviour as long as it makes money. You have the right to make the choice. Just watch out when the SGPs are taken over by these pirates. Businesses love people like you, especially the dodgy ones.
  21. I have watched every streamed meeting shown in the past two seasons. If they are filmed on mobile phones then they are very good phones. If I pay Edinburgh £11.99 I know I'm doing my bit to help then survive Covid. I also have for more interest in their meetings and those of the other streamers than One Sport's contrived offering. It's not all about the price. Sometimes it's about principles and value for money, certainly not gullibility or foolishness as you imply. Are you sure you can cancel the Player after one month?
  22. I can assure you they did. They don't waste a chance to mention their app - after all they're after your money. They certainly didn't mention it being on Eurosport 1 or 2. No point in mentioning it if they don't tell you where to watch it. They want people to buy and use the app so they make more money, not just now but in future seasons.
  23. They're showing it, but only on their player/app that you have to pay extra for. They were more plugging their wretched player/app, not the event. Superbike fans have the same problem, being forced to buy this extra app and they are getting louder in their protests. It's all about making you pay extra - and it's not £19.99 a year any more... It's £34.99 now - and I wouldn't like to guess how much next year once they've got people 'hooked'
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