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Everything posted by Marco

  1. OK Spook - sounds like that could be what's happening. I will persevere. Thanks for the reply!
  2. I'm probably being thick, but I can't get Trubo Sliders to connect to any Network Game. I have hamachi and can get that to connect to peoples servers, but then when I try and paste the server No into the Naetwork Game menu it trys to connect and then I get a connection failed error. When I try to get the game to list servers it says license not accepted. Do I need to purchase a license to race online? Thanks for any help...
  3. Well said Wackie - not sure what Lee has done to deserve this reputation, but the attitute towards him by some on here is shocking, particularly where it concerns GB. Even after his maximum people are calling him lucky. What on earth more do you expect from him??? He can't win with some of you.... Can't we all just get behind GB and leave him be to try his best for us all???
  4. Sorry rabbit, but your post just caught my attention... C'mon GB!
  5. No, there's nothing quite like sticking the knife in before the event... Yeah, I thought he was lucky to pass Pedersen on the pits bend too... That's more like it rabbit, do us all a favour and stick to this sort of encouragement for the next few days!!
  6. Just be glad WE got through. If we hadn't no doubt Lee would have been slated for not scoring more than a 15 point maximum. Also notice how he again didn't pass anyone. Home track or no home track, credit where it is due - despite whatever illness he had, Lee came up trumps with another quality pass of Nicki Pedersen (as in the British GP). There are not many who can say that this season as Nicki has been flying. Can we all stop the senseless slating of Lee, cut him some slack and get behind OUR TEAM for the final on saturday!!
  7. Please send me one! marco.trinci@zen.co.uk Thanks Steve
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