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Everything posted by thatjim

  1. A very good point indeed. After all, fans of defunct clubs are the fastest growing set of speedway supporters there is.
  2. I only recall seeing Kelvin ride at Cradley once, in the mid 70s. I forget who he was riding for, but as a young lad I was very keen to get his autograph. After the meeting I went off looking around the riders cars for him when I spotted what I thought was his bike, Closer examination proved I was right - There on the rear mudguard, boldly displayed was a label typed out in `Letraset` simply saying, ``Kelvin Mullarkey, Rye House and Poland``,
  3. Why are so many people anti - gardening? I think its great to watch, especially if its prior to a crunch heat. Its all part of the race.
  4. Heathens ticket holders can pay £5 to see the Wolves meeting. Been on Wolves website since Wednesday. Good Call I think. http://www.wolverhamptonwolves.co/news.php?extend.2655
  5. We didn't do to badly with the foreigners who came to Cradley, but the exception would be Hans Albert Klinge.
  6. Belle Vue & Coventry At Leicester (Sometimes) ? That sounds like proper team. Should go down a storm.
  7. No, but sadly, you can a change the laws of speedway.
  8. There are certain riders who could be entertaining to watch, even if riding alone. Adam would certainly fall into this bracket for me. Peter Karlsson another who springs to mind.
  9. I never heard any mention of it from that day until this topic appeared. The rules would of had to of been tweaked somewhat for the reasons you gave. Out of interest, My programme informs me that Mike Farrell got 9 rides and Phil Herne 8 , whilst Tom Leadbitter only got 3. Cradley shared things out and most got 7. One thing that had completely gone from my memory was that Graham Drury guested for Cradley. The teams were a bit of a miss match that night, which did`nt do the idea any favours, Bristol actually did worst in the 2nd half than the first. Dont think too many there were impressed with the idea.
  10. Here we go, here is what they had to say. (copied from programme notes) Tonight's Formula Outlined For so long now many fans leave the stadium after the league match leaving the die hard followers to witness the second half. To overcome this by keeping interest right the way through, this scheme of splitting the meeting into two separate halves of nine heats each has been devised. Each half match comprises of 8 heats plus a nominated heat at the end of each half. Teams are made up of 6 riders riding in positions 1 to 6 in the order that their averages determine. The top 2 men in the averages therefore line up at 1 and 2 and to start the meeting off heat one has the top 2 from both sides lining up. The heats are then split up until the nominated heat when the team managers decide who to put out. The 2nd "half match" starts at 0-0 irrespective of score in the first "half match". No tactical changes are allowed in the first "half match" but in the second "half match" if either of the teams has lost the first part by 10 points or more, then they will be entitled to make 2 tactical changes. The first nominated heat will therefore be of great tactical importance to team managers remembering that to be able to use tactical substitutes his team must lose by at least ten points. Each "half match" will have 2 league points at stake - a total of 4 over the full 18 heat league match. The side losing the first "half match" stands a fair chance of annexing the 2 points at stake in the 2nd "half match". How many times do you see the away side ride better in the later heats of a match when their riders have got use to the track? This scheme will make for exciting speedway with interest maintained till the last heat. The riders too benefit from the formula with the riders on form able to have up to a maximum of 9 rides. The numbers 1-4 have a guaranteed 3 rides and 5-6 a guaranteed 2 rides in each "half match" plus the chance of 2 nominated rides, one in each "half match". Also, if their side is 10 points in arrears then there is the chance of a tactical ride. The numbers 5-6 , although not classed as reserves as we know them in speedway can be used to replace any other rider injured during the meeting and for no other purpose. Riders excluded for tape breaking are put on a handicap and earn automatic exclusion if they try to cheat without any replacement allowed. Also riders excluded under the 2 minutes time allowance ruling are excluded without a replacement allowed. The present scoring system would therefore be scrapped with the points earned being taken into account. Results could either be 4-0, 3-1, 0-4, 1-3 or 2-2. The latter result could well interest the pools concerns with many draws possible during a week of speedway over the country. This could bring in vital revenue for the sport - a highly important factor. Look on then and judge for yourselves the merits of the new formula as it is put to its first on-track test. Let us know what you think.
  11. I remember this meeting well. I believe the idea was that it was run as 2 separate halves of one meeting (if that makes any sense), with league points awarded for each half (Two for a win, one for a draw). The idea being that results would therefore be 4-0, 3-1, 2-2 etc. In this instance it would have been a 4-0 win for Cradley. I still have the programme which had a better explanation, if anyone is interested I will dig it out and have a look.
  12. Personally I think they pretty much got it right to begin with, tweaked slightly for next season to reward the winner more. Should have left it at that.
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