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Phil The Ace

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Everything posted by Phil The Ace

  1. Can belle vue get connor bailey to replace Bowen till fit????
  2. No one at torun who could improve us. NKI doesnt want Britain Chris holder as Visa issues for Britain Leaves koscui, holta and the young poles. None are good enough. So the link with torun wont help
  3. I've not seen one aces fan that said fricke SHOULDNT be excluded. Neither on here or at the stadium.
  4. A couple of 100, you do realise we have another stand on the far side where most ppl are most weeks. Everyone just looks at the grandstand. There was approx 500 in grandstand and about 600 or so in south stand. No where near a few 100. It was a poor crowd though
  5. Well ipswixh well and truly proved me wrong. Well done them. Poor performance from ourselves. Need to up our game. Glad Harris and max are ok after that
  6. Fricke, bjerre and bewley to go through the card for me. I honestly can't see anything but a 24+ win If fricke bjerre and bewley ste hating this will be a no contest racing wise aswell.
  7. Exactly as I saw it starke and garrity come together and collected everyone else.
  8. Another thing, how the hell did the ref come to the conclusion that howarth should be excluded for that heat 1 crash. Refs getting worse
  9. Out of interest, can I please ask why there is a curfew. Doesnt seem to be any houses near by
  10. NO discount as per. Can only see a comfortable home win. 58-32 I'm afraid
  11. As someone who travelled 2 hours for it, I have a right to complain. But you know what, i wont. Why should i. You cant help a 1st heat smash with 3 riders needing alot of medical help. Dont think even 2 ambulance would have helped that situation. Hope both Jason and Kyle come away rather unscathed. And best wishes to them. Gutted for them to miss out on the final. Then the crowd member took I'll, looked serious from a distance away. Hope that person is ok. And it was all precaution. They announced they have extended the curfew till 10:30pm. That looks a tad optimistic for them to get 9 races in but they did it. I arrive back home to Manchester for 00:30am so it bad at all. I enjoyed myself. Well done redcar I say. Oh and congratulations to the 6 riders who qualified
  12. The slicker the track the better the racing is at nesr all tracks. It's a bloody myth that grip gives good racing. Grip just makes the guys in front quicker meaning harder to pass Keep the track slick. Dont grade it till about heat 10 which allows a little dirt line out by the fence which then gives an extra racing line for the riders. But then I'm no track curator so probably talking bullcrap
  13. No he diddnt ride. Said he wouldn't fir in any kevlars now
  14. Has Lynn ever done a full season without Lambert riding for them at some point
  15. Speedway is a mess..... Sensational speedway at belle vue, sounds like great racing at Peterborough, decent crowds. Should all be about that. Instead it's all about 2 dodgy tracks served up again. Sums up British speedway. This is why riders dont want to ride here
  16. You may say Poole riders handled it fine. But they know where the holes are and can avoid them. That's the difference.
  17. Not sure the best idea is to have it out on a public forum or even social media for that matter. It has nowt to do with us. In the meantime I'm grabbing my popcorn
  18. 7 dead on way. Absolute bargain for them
  19. What average does cook come in on. Can you do like for like for anyone but Lambert. Heard of a few cooks at Lynn now
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