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Phil The Ace

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Everything posted by Phil The Ace

  1. For me an absolute classic of a match. Terrific meeting. Terrific debut for connor. As coldace says. Yesterday was full of English 16/17/18 years olds. All going at it hammer and tongs. No inches given. Best £10 ever spent.
  2. Doesnt matter weather track was great or track was poor. Because of expectations that was our worst result of the year. Last nights result was not good enough. Well done Swindon. Good win for u guys
  3. Think everyone though that I really though wells was a great signing. And when he went reserve I though even better but hes just struggled. Gutted for him personally. Hes a better rider than hes showing. That is for sure. But how long can we wait to see if he can sort his form out.
  4. Ignore NKI. Average to high anyway lol
  5. No. NKI doesn't want the extra meetings. But he is struggling everywhere so could be tempted now. Regarding money probably not. Just wishful thinking tbh. Personally dont think we will make any signings otherwise we would have done it weeks ago
  6. Last night proved once again that changes is needed. Wells needs to go unfortunately. I was pleased with his signing but it's just not worked out. Feel sorry for him really. And because speedway is a numbers game would unfortunately get rid of berge through no fault of his own and rebuild the team. The team we have now is good and will get us into play offs. But it wont win it. BUT.......... get the 2 right riders in and I cant see anyone stopping us. If I've worked it out right that gives us 10.14 left So do we go get another HL and a 3 pointer or go for a couple of 5 pointers. Personally dont think we will get anyone who will score big at reserve so I'd be going all out to add to the top 5 NKI, KK can anyone think of anyone else
  7. Great result for Ipswich that. Really are on it.
  8. Awful performance that. Swindon were there for the taking. Well done Swindon
  9. Got to be looking for at least a point tomorrow. Wont be to impressed if we come away with nothing.
  10. I'd say thats season over. Shame for him. Should imagine bellego will return for him
  11. He needs to give his vires then. Ppl high up need to voice there concerns if they have any
  12. Yes he does do a good job at promoting the sport. Cant deny that
  13. Regarding guests and R/R on a FRN. I think most know my take on it. Every club just ride on there preferred day and get on with it.
  14. I do t think and die hard are enjoying them selves. I'm certainly not. And I'd say all die hard know the sports on its knees. Trouble is Pearson/BSPA actually think all things are rosy. They need to start looking inwards at the sport from a fans perspective and not outwards from a biased perspective
  15. Deffo right call Bob. Started raining about 6pm and not stopped
  16. Never ever use BBC weather. Its shockingly bad and always wrong. If there is like 5% of rain they always say heavy rain. Theres alot less rain around Glasgow than what was predicted. If the covers are down I'd say Glasgow are good to go.
  17. Wont look vulnerable just yet. Hopefully an improvement in the side very soon
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