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Phil The Ace

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Phil The Ace last won the day on August 28

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About Phil The Ace

  • Birthday 01/25/1984

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  • Marital Status
    Engaged to my lovely girlfriend
  • Music
    indie, RnB
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  • Profession
    Chief cashier

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  • Interests
    Speedway, speedway and yes speedway, oh i nearly forgot, how could i, girls, fit girls, or ne type of girls
  • Team
    Belle vue aces

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  1. No. I said the original staging was Thursday but they now moved to Friday. Originally it was Thursday
  2. and speaks very good fluent english which hopefully comes in handy to him maybe giving uk a go at some point because he is special him
  3. That’s where I’ve gone wrong. Off to find myself a dwarf
  4. He’s rumoured to not be that big. Hes Manc afterall.
  5. Hahaha. Sorry. Dan not Brady 😂😂 wouldn’t mind 2 Kurtz mind
  6. Fake wrist injury they have said so he don’t get a ban. Unless he’s hurt himself w*nking
  7. Retain kurtz brady cook tate blodorn replace Lidsey
  8. You say that and could well be right as you know your stuff but he said on a podcast he doesn’t want to ride for his dad because he didn’t feel it was right and didn’t want anyone saying he’s only there because of his dad etc.
  9. I think your top 3 will be bewley tungate magic
  10. It’s quite simple. Ask Phil Morris on Twitter directly and he will be honest about the Thursday
  11. Don’t worry. Don’t feel disrespected at all. It’s all fun. Luckily I know I’m right
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