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home straight

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Everything posted by home straight

  1. In fairness, the new silencers weren't being used in many places at all last year, so to suggest that Madsen was cheating anywhere other than where he got caught is foolishness.
  2. Precisely. It was the Lakeside meeting and the Lakeside meeting only that there is evidence of wrongdoing for. You can't just start adjusting the results of other meetings with no proof that anyone did anything wrong.
  3. Really 2 years? Wow! I've got to say that that seems harsh. I don't condone cheating but 2 years seems too much to me, particularly when you look at the Leon Madsen case last year. I know it would certainly act as a deterrent, but 2 years out will likely end his career.
  4. I sincerely hope this is not the last we'll see of Eddie Kennett. Clearly cheating can't be overlooked, but it would be a huge waste if this is the end of his career.
  5. But it does though. It completely does. By saying "I doubt" something I'm expressing that it's my subjective opinion, therefore I am the only arbiter of the truth of said claim. If I had said "Eddie Kennett doesn't care what you think" that would have been an entirely different statement to the one I actually did make. But I didn't. It's not semantics. Anyway, enough of this foolishness.
  6. Oh wow Is this actually happening in the real world or am I dreaming it?
  7. I shouldn't have thought so. I'm beginning to lose the will to live, but matey keeps waving the wrong end of the stick about.
  8. Yes this is the truth. For the umpteenth time I DOUBT Eddie gives a shiny shoot what you think It's absolutely true, that in my personal opinion Eddie doesn't care what you think.
  9. Is it tosh really? Or are you referring to it as tosh because you've been caught out and you don't have the minerals to admit it? It's ok, as someone has said on another thread, it takes a big man to apologise..... Nevermind.
  10. Anyway, back in the real world you said..... To which I replied.... Then you said this - which completely avoided the issue, and started you off on this nonsense about attacking the post not the poster. I replied thus.... So in fact, yes, you did call me a liar, or at least accuse me of being dishonest, both of which are completely unfounded.
  11. Oh for goodness sake, this is getting silly now. You are completely entitled to your own opinion, I have never stated otherwise. All i've said is that I doubt Ed Kennett is that fussed about it. I have not personalised this at all.
  12. You're a real joy. It says "I doubt......" Just my opinion, I haven't claimed to "know" anything. Why do you keep banging on about Shovlar? I barely know him at all, I disagree with probably 70% of what he writes on here, and I certainly do not hide behind him. Also, despite your insistence to the contrary, I'm not your son. Also, if you care to read the thread you'll see on several occasions, I have offered my view on this subject. You'll note that I haven't attached a list of irrelevant demands before I'd accept Eddies apology.
  13. You clearly know NOTHING about me at all. Not that it has anything to do with this thread but I started a thread about Shovlar because I genuinely wondered why he wasn't here giving us his often bizarre opinions. Nothing more or less than that. Of course I don't know the inner thoughts of Eddie Kennett, and neither have I claimed to. Strange how you've been erroneously accusing me of "attacking the poster" rather than the post, and then you go and write a load of nonsense casting ill informed aspersions about my character. Hypocritical in the extreme.
  14. Mate, you really do think the world is out to get you don't you? I haven't "gone" for you at all. I haven't attacked you at all. I've merely stated that it's my opinion that Ed Kennett probably doesn't care what you think. How that can be construed as attacking you, I'll never know.
  15. I should imagine for that to be true, he probably stayed silent!
  16. Jumping to conclusions again? Nope, you said "Honesty would be a good start for you" - Assuming we're speaking the same language, someone who needs to start being honest, is by definition dishonest. Another word for someone who is dishonest is a liar. I said nothing about shiny shoes. I did say that I doubt Ed gives a shiny shoot what you think. The operative words there are "I doubt". I'm not claiming to "know" anything. I didn't say that I doubt Ed cares what the fans (plural) think - I said i doubt he gives a shiny shoot what you (individual) think. The reason I said that is because you said that until Ed meets all the conditions that you impose on him that you will not accept his apololgy. A rather grand claim. On that basis I stand by my statement that I doubt Ed gives a shiny shoot what you think. There was no need to for me to write an in depth discussion about your post, because frankly it was irrelevant. What makes you think that anyone should bow to your demands before you'll accept their apology particularly when you aren't acting in any kind of official capacity in the matter? Do you honestly think my post was a personal attack on you? Really? So, it boils down to this. I'm still waiting for you to either back up your claim about me being a liar, or to remove it from you post.
  17. Well it appears you're calling me a liar. Would you like to back that accusation up?
  18. I was pointing out the Polish fans reactions because they amused me. I didn't say they were wrong or right or that British fans would react any differently.
  19. To be honest, I doubt very much whether Eddie Kennet gives a shiny shoot what you think.
  20. One things for certain, the Polish fans are NOT happy about it. Translate the page into English and have a read of the comments. Some of my particular favourites include: Polish GP for a Pole, I wish him five tapes Well, the BSI has shown us elegantly and without vaseline middle finger. GP Ticket for just tore up ... United defeat Polish authorities slag. With us in our backyard, and yet others govern pleased to show us. It was not Ward's fault because it goes good this year, it's not copper but any Polish player. They showed us to our place. Thank you Mr. Witkowski and others.
  21. Do you know what? I'm perfectly happy to accept that. It could well be that Edward was genuinely unaware that his machinery was illegal. However it's a fact that his machinery is his responsibility and no one else's, and as such he deserves whatever reasonable sanctions the authorities impose on him. But surely that's as far as it can go. I know many are calling for him to be sacked and all the rest but to my mind there has to be some grace here. His version of events should be accepted as the truth, and once he's done the time he should be allowed to get back on with it. If at some point in the future he's caught cheating again, then that's a different thing altogether, but I do tend to think that this merciless "burn him, burn him" attitude over one misdemeanor that he could feasibly have been unaware of is a bit harsh.
  22. Fair enough. Was it really all down to the mechanic in the tool shed with a long drill bit? I guess we'll never know, but personally, I think the best course of action would be to allow the authorities to impose whatever sanctions they deem appropriate, and then when he's paid the price, let him go racing again. I doubt very much whether Mr Kennett would be foolish enough to try a similar stunt again.
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