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home straight

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Everything posted by home straight

  1. Well done Crump, looks like the old Jason is on the way back. Track was rubbish Referee was worse
  2. Of course he did, NP could easily have stayed on his bike, but on both occasions he put it down knowing that if he stayed on he was well out of it. He chose to put it down both times. When he was walking back to the pits he was pointing at his head as if to say "I used my noggin there"
  3. He's done it again He should never ever be allowed to referee another speedway meeting. NP has conned him twice.
  4. I'd like to change mine to: Nicki Pedersen $60k (captain) Hans Andersen $40k Andreas Jonsson $40k Fredrik Lindgren $30k Rune Holta $30k Thanks
  5. Whether it's time for Ole to go or not, it is DEFINATELY time for temporary tracks to go. I know they wanted to take the GPs to big stadiums in big cities, but at what cost? It's only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt as a direct result of temporary tracks. Hans Andersen had an almost identical crash last year on one of these sub standard tracks (Gelsenkirchen I think). Countless others have come to grief on these tracks over the years. It is a dangerous enough sport as it is without the track playing such a big part, speedway should be raced on proper established speedway tracks.
  6. Nicki Pedersen $60k Captain Hans Andersen $40k Scott Nicholls $35k Bjarne Pedersen $35k Krystof Kasprzak $30k Thanks
  7. I don't feel sorry for him at all, I think he's been proved correct. If it wasn't for a truly shocking decision from the spineless ref Nicholls would have failed to qualify. Again. We all saw tonight that when it came down to it Nicholls wasn't good enough and had to resort to a kind of banger racing/speedway hybrid to stand a chance.
  8. If you listen harder you might hear someone laughing at your "jokes" Then again probably not.
  9. Does it? Despite the fact he scored 17 points in 1 appearance. Although he doesn't ride for Wolves of course.....
  10. Correct, there does apear to be a contradiction there, however, I didn't choose the term, merely repeated it.
  11. Well done to Crump, Nicholls and Andersen. Not a bad GP, even carrying an injury Crump picks up 25 points and now surely can't be caught. I'm not a fan but you have to respect the guy. Hopefully Nicholls can build on tonights result and move on from there. Andersen will obviously be included in the series next year one way or another and if he can carry this years form on, the battle at the top between him, Crump and possibly a couple of others is going to be mouthwatering. Anton was clearly thrown by what happened in his first heat, but no doubt he'll be back to his best soon. Bjarne was unlucky not to make the final, I thought for a minute he was going to go by Crump, but it wasn't to be unfortunately.
  12. Andersen has just announced to the entire world that he has a red helmet. You'd keep that to yourself wouldn't you?
  13. Scotty a touch fortunate to not be excluded or did Zagar go down easily? A case could probably be made for either side.
  14. I daresay you're right. If Andersen had been given a permanent wild card for this year he could well have been distinctly average in the GP's as he has been in the past. However I believe its the fact he was left out of the GP that has motivated him so much this year. Next years series could make very interesting viewing.
  15. Tatum... "Carpense hit that grip" Kelvin that grip is more commonly known as grass.
  16. With Trick withdrawing from this round (series?), Greg becomes the only rider to have competed in every GP round since its inception. So far he he isn't having a great night, but overall this year he has been well up there. Still a class rider and a genuinely nice guy to boot. Good on ya Greg!
  17. Love him or hate him Hans Andersen is some racer. When was the last time Nicki Pedersen was bullied into second place like that? Injuries etc. permitting he'll be world champion next year I reckon.
  18. Its a shame too, we haven't seen that for a while, I was hoping he's got past all that Apparantly also, he has a problem with his back which prevents him from getting enough wait over the bars which is why he often lifts coming out of the gate. The way he slung the bike down the track then I am hoping he hasn't aggravated any old injuries. Good ride by richardson though.
  19. So are you logged in from tracksode then Rabbit? To be fair you did write that sort of thing after most GP's last year. (please excuse the geekery of trawling back and quoting from 10 months ago, but since there was some disagreement as to what the meeting was like last year I'd thought I'd go and see what we all said at the time.)
  20. Some people don't like you much Vinnie, but as long as you keep coming out with comedy masterpieces like that you're ok by me.
  21. 1) I think he's paid a wage by M&M to do a job. I can't be bothered to argue about that anymore. 2) Yeah Eddie Kennet rode really badly during the world cup, I don't know why he was in the team 3) He's done as well as anyone would have with the resources available to him. You can't polish a turd so to speak.
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