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Everything posted by semion

  1. Change of scenery might be just what the Doctor ordered. I am sure Lynn could return him to Monmore as a 8.5/9 pointer.
  2. Thats true Steve, but to hell with it I dont mind Lynn taking a chance on Freddie
  3. Love the idea of Fast Freddie in Lynn colours. Would prefer it if it was for a full season though.
  4. Don't start that with me PAL I'm no CHUM of yours. Must at admit though I love it when Lynn WINALOT
  5. How old are these dogs ? Do they pay full price or do they get a concession ? That's how Speedway can increase its gates. Get more dogs in. Track shops could do a fortune in little black bags with Skull and Crossbones Printed on them lol
  6. And will continue to happen while the fans bury their heads and accept it as the norm
  7. What a stella signing Milik has turned out to be. That was the day Our hopes of silverware ended.
  8. So in other words Trees, we will never be able to compare. Then again look how many Clubs go ** up In Poland, seemingly every year.
  9. Its not about giving up on ones team, more giving up on the Sport that your team competes in. The whole thing is really now one big joke.
  10. This looks a right shower even without the weather forecast. Oh where oh where did it all go so wrong
  11. I think our chance of success this year went when Buster brought in Milik for Rory. Shame about losing Robert to injury he was the one the big attraction at Saddlebow this season.
  12. EDP again on Fund raising. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/support_fund_set_up_for_injured_king_s_lynn_speedway_star_lewis_kerr_raises_1_400_in_hours_1_4179511
  13. Good of a rider to tell it how it is. Best of Luck for the future David Howe.
  14. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/king_s_lynn_stars_speedway_rider_lewis_kerr_making_slight_improvements_in_hospital_after_horror_crash_1_4179511 Todays EDP. A little encouraging news
  15. Todays EDP http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/please_keep_him_in_your_thoughts_and_prayers_king_s_lynn_stars_speedway_rider_lewis_kerr_in_induced_coma_following_horrific_crash_1_4178429
  16. Any News yet On the weather for Next Wednesday, SL ?
  17. Thanks Orion for telling what I can or cannot do with my money. I will certainly give it plenty of thought the next time its rainning. The first question i will ask myself will be.. 'what would Orion do in this situation ?'
  18. Maybe Speedway should apply for Charity status then Orion. Let people just turn up, sod it if it rainning just hand over the money and go home. On a weekly basis I have X amount to spend on entertainment. Speedway is competing for part of that X. So If its been rainning or forecast is rain why oh why would I want to waste fuel and an entry fee on the chance that racing amy take place ?
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