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Everything posted by semion

  1. Well that's me sorted, Don't think I will bother going to Saddlebow this season, seems little point. Pinny I bet you are a giggle a minute to be out with of a Friday night.
  2. What has how a fit a female is/isn't got to do with Speedway ?
  3. Any News on P&P day at Saddlebow as yet ?
  4. Maybe the Money on offer for Morris and Doyle is better for a nights work at Lynn than it is at Somerset. Lets be fair Its a Business to the riders, a Sport to the fans.
  5. Called making his mark There was always perks to being the Milk Monitor when I was at School
  6. Steve... Speedway a farce, Surely not. Where do you get such ideas. !!!
  7. You would think both Clubs, and Somerset in particular would be quick to quash those rumours and set the record straight. EDP ... http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/king_s_lynn_stars_book_jason_doyle_for_home_international_pre_s eason_cup_clash_against_wroclaw_1_4442152 Buster is saying he is riding at Lynn, Then as he is BSPA Chairman that's good enough for me.
  8. I am sure there will be something on the Somerset and Swindon websites to clear the matter up and confirm Doyle is in fact not riding at Lynn that night but is at The Oak Tree.
  9. Just been to see the film Grimsby Don't mention anything about Balls pleaseeee 😀
  10. Could this be a little one sided ? thinking in particular at Reserve, or will Wroclaw not bring their full 'A' Team ?
  11. Any news on who is being brought in to guest in the Polish challenge fixture ?
  12. Buster has stated he wants the rukebook ripped up and started again. What Buster wants Buster gets.. He further said that everything will be sorted by June/Juky this year.
  13. If it's a struggle then it won't be the first. All clubs struggle at some point. Remind me what happened to Neil Middlo's testimonial money?💉
  14. If Kai makes good in the next couple of years then Buster has a decent asset. If he doesn't then nothing has really been lost. With Porsing, the guy has had 3 seasons, and not sure he was any better a rider at the end of last season than when he first joined. Kai is a risk, as is Rory returning from a bad one. I don't think many see Lynn has a top 4 side for this season so maybe Buster is looking further ahead. After all now he is head honcho he will have a clear vision of where Elite League Speedway is heading in the next few years, so could be he is making his plans early.
  15. Maybe their services came at different prices.
  16. Or more the lack of quality riders who want to ride in the UK
  17. Wouldn't be the Stars website SL. Speedeay Star ain't out till next Thurs😀
  18. Marc my words Hector Buster isn't one to let the grass grow😀
  19. That's True Honie, I seem to recall him coming back from a broken arm and on his first night back proceeding to loop the front end and come off the back of his bike, this was during the pre-meeting parade.
  20. We had a Fritz at Lynn a good few years back. As I recall he wasn't much Koppe I am sure SL will remember and can confirm or otherwise.
  21. Who runs this website for Buster ? Whoever it is hopefully Buster will have a word with him or get rid. Normally if Someone is not performing how Buster wants then they get the order of the Tin tack. Huggy is one that springs to mind. Young Chapman, when he was involved, soon took Huggy to task, during a meeting as I recall and Huggy was last seen roaring out of the car park. Never to be seen back at Saddlebow again. Nothing beat a tasty Danish. Miles ahead of German Bratwurst
  22. Tel, Now that SS is back from his sulk sabbatical things could change. He is well capable of knocking up a good few pages on his own.
  23. Taken from the Lynn News http://www.lynnnews.co.uk/sport/speedway/fixture-changes-for-king-s-lynn-stars-1-7227159 Few jobs up for grabs there. Is it staff they are looking for or Volunteers ?
  24. In Truth Trees I aint convinced that anyone wants the gig. I guess with the clock ticking ever closer to tapes up its all wishful thinking. Things being left this late is not typical Buster and the fans are used to having things all done and dusted early doors at Lynn
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