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Everything posted by semion

  1. Just shows how much respect the guy has for British Speedway, Poole, Ford and Middleitch. This week Star will no doubt have the B S Poole reasons for why.
  2. Shame for Adam started the season real well. Hope is back racing again soon
  3. Couple of more meetings like that and then who has Ford got lined to replace Bjarne ? I'm sure he would want to appear consistent Ford won't get away with anything now Buster in the chair. Them days are over
  4. Middlo, Matty Ford, Starman, Shovelar, Pete Smith, Harry Rednapp, Chris Holder your boys are taking a hellva beating
  5. But Matty only got rid cos Milddleitch didn't do his the job of getting the best out of the each rider. Was Interesting how quick Middleitch was to lay the blame for the sacking firmly at Matty's door.
  6. Middleitch in this weeks Star bangs on about how riders up their game when they come to Poole and he gets the best out of riders. Seems a strange thing to say in the same week as he kicks a Close friend into the long grass for under performing.
  7. Looks Positive news on NKI in todays EDP
  8. Lets hope Buster has a top notch No1 To come in for NKI. Troy for Rory is ideal.
  9. Maybe back in the day last night might have been the only meeting the riders would have and their only chance of getting a wage that week. Now with riders riding all over Europe and others riding in 2 and in some case 3 league in the UK, the need is somewhat less. Would the likes of NKI and Holder not be more concerned about picking up an unnecessary injury with the a GP just a few short days away. Again back in the day riders never had that to think about. What would have happened last night if the meeting had been declared on and NKI and Holder said stuff that we aint riding. Ban... Or meeting called off ? I know where my sixpence would go if I was a betting man. Speedway in this country and proven time and time again that is panders to the big names and fixtures are arranged around their availability. We are dealing in different times now. Sponsors are VIP's when the GP rides into town.
  10. http://www.ezi-cover.com.au/ Would something like this work ?
  11. Aint that the truth. I guess they are in the best position to judge whether a track is rideable or not. I wonder in real terms what a cancellation actually costs a club/promotion when its called off with everyone in the stadium ?
  12. Buster upset that the meeting never went ahead. Maybe he should have been given a little longer to try and turn it around.
  13. Chasing the Overdue amount on the water rates is my guess.
  14. Back in the day when there was a 2nd half, It was worth stopping behind to watch ( No choice as was on a Bus in those days) as it made for a full nights entertainment. A few young up and coming riders having a go, then rider of the night. Though the final was all exhibition stuff and the monies were divided out between the riders it was still entertaining. Maybe its the old memory playing tricks but back then the riders showed their appreciation of the supporters and No big ego's to contend with. Just honest Guys offering an honest nights entertainment. Someone tell me its all moved on to big and better things.
  15. Weaken you ? not really Shovvy, You are forgetting to factor in that special ingredient. Middlo. He has to be worth 4/5 points to any team. That has to more than compensate for a lost couple of points at Reserve. Not withstanding that Bjarne will score 8/9 compared to Watt's ...say 2/3. You do worry yourself about things. It will be fine... Please don't upset yourself.
  16. Trees, Think You are missing the point. I was trying to entice newbies to come to Saddlebow, and the thing that put them off was the cost. Some people with a low expendable income find £17 a lot of money. What On earth has that got to do with going to a football match, its not like that was even on the agenda. For you Info I have got to suffer watching The Red Devils at Carrot Road Next week. Its a hard life, but someone has to do it.
  17. Sounds more like you are becoming Shovvy and Starmans Moll
  18. Add The cost in for some people. When I have tried to encourage others to come with me, they cannot believe its £17 admission.
  19. That's the thing SL, we do care because the product has something about it, we have all experienced it, but somewhere along the line it all went wrong and maybe we crave having that back again, and hope that one day it might return. I hang on to the tiny hope that someone will be able to turn it around before the Undertakers arrive to carry it off.
  20. Welcome over to the Dark side GRW. I use to wonder how a stalwart fan like Star Lady, who know travelled all over the country to watch her team, suddenly just stopped going. It took me a while, but I too finally woke up and smelt the coffee. The real frustrating thing is The Sport is full of potential yet year after year we see it knocked down another peg. Sad really that those who can do something about the decline, either do not want to, or do not have the capabilities to turn it round. My one last hope is Buster Chapman. HIs real input should be felt next season. Can he turn it around ? Judging on what he has allowed to happen at Saddlebow then I have grave doubts. Now if he could bite the bullet and bring his son back into the fray and use him to help, then maybe...just maybe. After all JC was like a breath of fresh air when was elected onto the BSPA Committee and was in charge of all the shared events. He certainly made people sit up and take notice. If he is not available, then it needs someone of that Ilk to come in and come in PDQ.
  21. Think many people feel the same about Lynn since JC departed. Would seem that everyone can see that apart from the people that matter.
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