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Everything posted by semion

  1. I have just paid £3 to read a Tour Brochure just to get to the article on Lambert. Good old Speedway Star. Great marketing that to get people to pay their hard earned to have to be subjected to that. Its like Lego getting people to pay £8 to watch a 90 minutes advert (Movie) for their product. Very Clever marketing indeed.
  2. Lambert to me comes across like he wants to be a winner. The team at Lynn in the last few seasons hasn't met those expectations. IF Lambert is in a team that looks like it can do something then I think he will do more than his fair share. If its another season of mediocrity ( I'm being kind here) then I can see Lambert having a few issues and going 'missing' Then again the same could apply to a lot of the fans..... Buster seems as though he has passed the baton on to the inexperienced ( In Speedway terms) Brundle. Lynn fans lets hope he can deliver. I guess if it all goes ** up again this season then the Buster can say... It wasn't me
  3. Good of NKI to turn up for Lewis Kerr's fund raiser at Heacham last week.
  4. Poole and Holder...... a marriage made in heaven. They sure deserve one another. I hope they will both be very happy.
  5. g13Webb, maybe having your feet firmly on the ground was the problem in your footballing career. Never gonna make those far post headers unless you leave the ground . Think we all need to calm down and act like the grown (old) adults we are supposed to be. Next you 2 will offering one another out. In other words guys it just a Speedway Forum ffs. So let's get a grip
  6. Despite all the negitives of last season I am guessing that most of of us will be back next season to sample the fayre that is on offer. Some will arrive with the glass half empty and some with the glass half full, but ARRIVE we will
  7. Buster taking a backseat ? I cant imagine it. Think he will still be, shall we say, hands on. He wont be able to help himself. Wonder what JC's take on this one is.... Does this mean that there will be a new track man or is Buster not taking that much of a backseat ?
  8. Looking at today's Star it seems Lambert will be back as well as no one else wants him after the 2 Clubs who turned his head have gone a different way. Gives Buster the whip hand there
  9. Not according to the Lynn News. Robin Brundle announced as Co Promotor with the next 2 signings being delivered at the end of next week.
  10. Yes I can only see the excitement of the riders being announced as a real Andrex Moment, that's Moment not movement.
  11. Looks like Holder will be signed on the cheap. Oh for those days when he was the most sorted after rider in the UK. Now after his Kings Lynn side show the word is out there.
  12. Last season Teams did run with only one big hitter. Rye could be coming back with virtually the same side that ended last season but with Kennett for Wells. Eddie is a 9/10 pointer around Hoddesdon, that's why I say I can't see them being turned over at home.
  13. Unbeaten home record it says grab a few points on the Road = play-offs. With the home track advantage who would bet against them over 2 legs ? Looks a strewed piece of business to me.
  14. I was thinking more Poundland and their creative accountancy. Maybe Speedway could do with a bit of that. Nothing wrong with the German retailers. You should see the quality of car that you see in their car parks over there Baggy. Lot more to be said for their supermarkets than SOME of their football coaches.
  15. With that team maybe Brundle could get Lidl or Aldi to sponsor it. Or even better Poundland
  16. We need riders who understand that it is not enough to turn up ride a bike for 5 mins load up and bugger off to the next gig. Holder and Batch were poor signings in hindsight, did either really want to be there ? I think not. They showed total contempt for the Club and the supporters. Mug punters we are not and won't be treated as such.
  17. Hear what you are saying guys but I thought the team was done and dusted with 5 riders being drip fed to the fans during Jan with the final 2 being revealed on the night of the fans forum. With all riders in attendance that night. Or did I dream that ? w
  18. Reading that Lynn are in discussion with Lambert about his plans for next season. Does this mean they had no idea of his plans not to ride before his public announcement ? So much for a more professional balance to the club going forward when you didn't have an idea that your star attraction wasn't coming back. Same old, same old
  19. Good luck to the boy wherever his future takes him. Big Year coming up for him to see if he can make that jump to compete with the big boys. Maybe last years World Team Cup opened his eyes to how far he has to travel to reach his goal. Will certainly be missed at Saddlebow. I wonder what effect it will have on the crowds at KL. For me, he was the main attraction. A real big steel shoe to fill in terms of entertainment. Over to you Buster. He has a big job after last season debacle and now losing his star attraction.
  20. To busy digging the garden decorating the bedroom tiling the bathroom. Changing tyres on the car
  21. DWP. You ain't been using Laurence Rogers calculator by any chance ?
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