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Everything posted by semion

  1. No Problem Randy, Oops, pardon the typo...... I have no idea. I guess there are always riders who will come, for a price.
  2. If the season doesn't start well at Rough, will George be then forced to go out and get a big hitter in to appease the fans ? If so that is going to cost, big time. If he can find one to come on a Sunday.
  3. I'm am sure George knows his Toon public. Lets hope he does not get to May and then starts moaning about poor gates.
  4. I thought George would have a bit more pride in his beloved Diamonds than to put out a side like this in their name. I guess you spend your money on a good team and hope the fans come or don't spend the money and know they wont.
  5. JC, Micman I can feel the man love coming through. You are of course right. The bar was set back then. Sadly the standard has fallen way below that level, but of course, as always. Buster knows best. Still here we are new year, a new kid ( well You know what I mean) on the block. Hopes are high. Can They deliver..... Over to you Buster its time to walk the walk.
  6. Wethers signing, looks like George drew a blank down the back of the old sofa, more like he took the empties back.
  7. Maybe George still has his hand down the back of the sofa
  8. But hey never mind. New season is upon us, fresh hopes and aspirations..... That should tied us over till May
  9. Didn’t JC have a big Star as a Mascot ? Can’t remember if it took off or what happened to it
  10. I’m sure there was plenty of times in his younger days
  11. The wheels on the bike go round and round, round and round
  12. How about.... 'On ya Bikes Kings Lynn.... Never mind the danger' I am sure baggy would appreciate that one
  13. OMG. I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st. This has to be some kind of joke Surely. Stand Together in Sun and Rain, Really ? Whoever came up this should be shown the door rather quickly if this is their idea of marketing..... It is nothing short of embarrassing
  14. Does it state who the rest of debt is owed by ?
  15. They certainly did, but what’s that got to do with a British Club owing a rider a good bit of Wonga from 15/16. Indicates that as Kim is owned money from 3 countries the Boy might be seen as a soft touch
  16. When the debt dates back nearly 3 years ? Think The time for pussy footing around is long gone, don't you ?
  17. If In the riders mind there is no doubt about the debt, why does'nt he come out and name and shame ? If someone owed me 26k for any period of time I would not only go public with it I would have their ass in Court. No good just whinging about it, do something about it.
  18. Get Kevin Little in with Dickie. Bish Bash Bosh, all sorted. Stotties all round. Everyone’s a winner
  19. Chris Holder will do just fine when he returns to Saddlebow. provided. 1 It’s Dry 2 The track conditions are to his high standards. 3. He is in the mood to be assed to race, 4. No one upsets him or says anything nasty to him... Bless 5. It’s not close to a Grand Prix. Will Holder get back to anything like he was in his pomp or is he a spent force who is on a downward spiral.? Time will tell
  20. Wasn’t Holder committed to Kings Lynn at the start of last season. ?We all know how that ended
  21. Poole..... isn’t it obvious they know a good thing when they see it..... one for the future, unlike one of the past as in ex World Champions who want to pick n choose the conditions they wish to ride in
  22. Webbo. After paying over inflated admission fee followed by an over priced programme I wouldn’t dream of paying inflated prices for ‘food’ from a greasy spoon. Are you some kind of masochist?
  23. Exactly Orlav, so should be no problem at Lynn going forward. No charge for using a a card and admission price has been set.
  24. I thought the idea of even charging a fee for using a credit card has now been made illegal.
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