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Everything posted by semion

  1. Yes he did, poor Bloke... There are a lot of crocks about . I seem to recall the event where cash was taking from the Boot of a car at Lynn, Involved Cyril Cranes car. I hope the poor guy was insured.
  2. Phil, as you appear to be all over this story. I guess we can expect a few pages devoted to it next Thursday ? Be good to hear from all sides. Riders, Fans, promotion and of course the BSPA. Just hope its a warts an all piece rather than a sugar coated, watered down version. Lets get in out in the open so the fans ( readers) can see the true state of British Speedway. That's the challenge Phillip, are you up for it ? Should boast the readership ( well for one week anyway)
  3. Talking of car boots and cash, I well remember that happening at Kings Lynn back in the day. You just couldn't write it.
  4. All This euphoria over Germany getting knocked out of the World Cup, it is almost as if England have a World cup record to be proud of ( 66 apart). I would have loved My nation to have been half as successful as Germany have been in terms of World Cup success.
  5. So many doors where blame can be laid. Go back to the 70's where Speedway was being played out in krap hole stadiums to big crowds every night of the week, plus Sundays. Where did all that cash go ? Certainly wasn't invested into the future of British Speedway. No foresight then, more lets line our own pockets and "$%^ the future. Feel Sorry for the fans of Rye, but if it wasn't Rye it would have been another Club. The whole thing could now implode. Maybe that's what needs to happen,
  6. I get all of that CH, but it is all about the experience. You look at their stadiums, they are fit for purposes. You look at our so called Stadiums. Rag bag run down krap holes. People today demand better.
  7. Every Year, We seem to have a new reason for the demise of Speedway. This year its FRN. Sometimes it is worth standing back from the Sport and looking at it from the outside. This is 2018, Speedway in its present form in the UK has long had its day. You can only paper over cracks for so long. Maybe People should look very closely at Poland. Why do the Poles flock to Speedway and the British treat the Sport with distain ?
  8. I don't understand why Dean is being so defensive of Stoke and Tatum. Most riders, when a track is not fit for purpose are never slow in coming forward. Yet here we have an ex rider, who I am sure has had his share of injuries saying the track is fine its the bikes that are being used today that are the problem. I Take it Dean only used Uprights, as he feels so strongly that the lay downs are the root of all evil.
  9. What on earth has happened to Cameron Heeps ? Really thought he was one for the future. Looked poor last night. Is this the norm ?
  10. Would have taken a draw before the meeting. The big big big plus is a full house from NKI. Corner turned ?
  11. Maybe if they dig about a bit they might used nappies....well it wont be the first time.
  12. The Money Flux is sticking in is for the Stadium, not the Speedway. I would think If you amortised the amount paid that the % would be small for the twice (ish) Monthly Speedway of say 1200-1500 people. I would doubt the money from Tru Plant would cover what the other 3 were handing over. Plus lets not forget this was back in the days of 2nd Tier of British Speedway, paying out 2nd tier wages. Not Top Level Speedway ( for the UK). Plus I would suggest wages have gone up somewhat since 2006 (ish). All this without even factoring the change in the rate of the EURO to the ÂŁ which is somewhere around 25-30% difference now.
  13. I remember back in the Premier League heyday when Buster had sponsors queuing up to throw money at him. Seem to recall we had 3 'shirt' sponsor's at one time ( Money Centre, Jark and Banham Poulty) That must have amounted to some serious wonga, it was suggested it amounted to a 6 figure sum, combined. That for a club in the 2nd Tier of British Speedway. I would think those days are long gone. For me, back in those days everything was rosey in the garden. The fans were happy and were involved with the riders. Buster was happy , sponsorship and decent gates. The riders were happy as we had a successful team so there was plenty of points money to be had. JC was pulling the PR strings and making the whole nights entertainment something that fans were looking forward to week on week. Then we decided to move up with the big boys. Interaction between riders and fans all but disappeared, sponsorship was harder to come by, riders were picking up pay cheques then onto to the next gig. Fans no longer felt 'part' of the Club. JC upped sticks and left ( many know and understand why). With all this going on Buster was just content to re-arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic ( or the equivalent of)
  14. The missing riders is the big bug bear for me. As the saying goes ..... Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
  15. Trees if only the people running the thing at Lynn were as good at thier job as you are at supporting the Club then the place would be playing to 2,000 plus gates.
  16. Robin Brundle is just a puppet at Kings Lynn. Did anyone really think Buster would change his dictatorship ways ? Even his own flesh n blood couldn’t turn him around so what chance has an outsider like Brundle ? Its either Busters way or the Highway, as he knows best. You only have to look at the p155 poor job he has made of the Chairmanship of the BSPA to see what he can offer to Kings Lynn Speedway these days.
  17. Vissing n Allen ( at Reserves) jointly manage 2 points the Pole smacks in 17 points and Poole still cant win. What has gone so badly wrong with The Pirates ? Is Holder coming back this season ? No wind up, genuine questions
  18. Buster is not one to change unless something falls into his lap
  19. Id be surprised if a well respected Speedway man like Vasey puts his name to the shambles that is Stoke Speedway
  20. Starman, I am sure you are 100% right. The last 2 weeks Robert Lambert has made a big name for himself in European Speedway Circles, I would guess next season he will have big offers thrown at him from here there and everywhere. I would say for the remainder of this season, enjoying him while you can.
  21. I wonder what all these patched up teams does to the morale of the team and in particular to Robert Lambert I wonder what was told to him in the closed season to get him to commit for 2018. Was he sold a load of old flannel by Buster and Dale. Im with Baggy to a degree. The 7 we have would give anyone a good test, providing they are all riding to their ability. Sadly with the number of times this rider or that rider are missing meets that hasn't been possible. Lets hope it is now at an end. The big key will be NKI, and now he has had his shoulder fixed will he get back to where he once was. If he does then the rest of the pieces will fall into place. If he doesn't then the thing will fall apart. Lambert is a young and must feel like he is fighting a losing battle with the way thigs are at the moment.
  22. Nice Car Shovvy has there. Last nights tonking is one thing. but the more serious issue is the side we put out. If we ( Speeding in the UK) now have to dance to the tune of the Danes, where riders can be called back hours before a meeting then surely the game is almost up. Home defeat by Mid table Somerset, thrashed out of sight at Poole, who have been struggling to buy a win.... Monday night at home to Rye could be the make or break point of the Stars Season. All very disappointing on the team Front. However the one bright spot is lets all enjoy Robert Lambert while we can. How long before he takes the Tai route and wipes the UK off his calendar ? Been a great week for Robert, then along comes Lynn at Poole. As They say. Every Silver lining has a cloud.
  23. Will Rosco do with Cook again in aGBs first outing ? Why did he do it last night ?
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