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Everything posted by semion

  1. 2nd half final winners were paid 30 bob and a chicken. Split 4 ways so you either got a leg or a wing
  2. Don’t let facts get in the way of a bloody good moan. Anyway I thought Panthers fans would be happy they way things are turning out. Tungate, Wright and Nicholls and Anderson decent top 4. Summers doing far more than could have been expected.
  3. And rightly so. He owns everything at Saddlebow, lock, stock and barrel, and has done for many years. He just pays a rent at the other two. So hardly any surprise he puts his main business first. Would you be any different ?
  4. The new team pic has Cookie in full Kings Lynn Kevlars. Simon Lambert in his own gear. Not gonna be around for long ?
  5. What a fantastic race track you guys at Belle Vue have. The place should be packed every week.
  6. Riders always wanna get back early so they are earning. Trouble is it’s selfish as they normally comeback early and score nowhere near what they should be scoring and end up letting the Team and the Supporters down. Team Managers should make the call and not take the rider until they prove their fitness
  7. Lots of guest bookings for Harris and Cook then. I guess what goes around, comes around
  8. Poor call getting Ellis in. The lad doesn’t like the place, so why give him the booking?
  9. Well if Poole fans want to point the finger. They don’t have to look to far. Poor Call by Middlo
  10. Why did a top Manager like Middlo go for Ellis, must have done his homework, surely ?
  11. Rambo Lambo sacked by Championship Newcastle yet deemed good enough for Premier League Lynn.
  12. He was till he needed a Jimmy Riddle and jumped the fence while a race was still on to get back to his Tractor . JC had words with him and he was never to be seen again Good trackman though. Not many his equal.
  13. I think once Buster has bought his 4th Club and having total control then invading Poland must be next on his agenda. Are there any signs of him growing a moustache
  14. Don’t think they need much sympathy after the way they smashed Lynn last night. They look well sorted to me
  15. Hopefully the Cook signing will give fresh impetus to the others. Maybe they will get dragged along with him. Something needs to happen to spark the season into life. As for Rambo Lambo, is this really the best we can do ?
  16. Not sure Ippo and name Riss work that well together. Look how they messed one up last season.
  17. How was the racing tonight ? Has Buster finally put his mark on the track ?
  18. When you are bottom of the food change you take all the krap from above and say thank you. We have to accept where we are in the swing of things.
  19. Does there come a point when one doesn’t give a flying ( fill in the missing word) anymore ?
  20. Good call Paddy then Worral and Confetti can go to Peterborough. With Barker and Bjerre going to Lynn.
  21. Buster spending a few quid getting Nicholls in. I wonder if Bjerre or Barker will end up at Saddlebow ?
  22. Be careful what you say about Lol Rogers. At Kings Lynn we had the ‘pleasure’ of him as our team Manager for a short period ( not short enough some might say). One particular Wednesday we turned up only to be confronted with a night full ( and I mean full) of tape exclusion’s and engine failure, all pre-arranged so as to lower the teams average so as to make a change to the line-up. Only to find out afterwards the aforementioned Mr Rogers had got his sums completely wrong and the changes couldn’t be made. Not long after this Mr Rogers departed the Club. So the loyal fans of Kings Lynn we’re taken for mugs that night paying their hard earned to witness a total joke of a Speedway meeting Watch out for Lol and his calculator.
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