DWP. As they say the proof of the pudding and all that. Fingers crossed for 3rd time lucky, though this time he is down at Reserve. So every chance this time
The track at Kings Lynn, when at its best was all down to Huggy. Once he ‘decided to walk out’ ( that’s another story) Buster took it over and look at the outcome.
On the Cadbury’s Flake advert ( 70’s). Why was it always a female who ate only the crumbliest, flakiest chocolate tastes like chocolate never tasted before.
I have to confess I’m more ya Marmite on Crumpet sort of fellow. Now that sounds like a Sid James Line from Carry on Speedway. Would Sid have played Buster in that film ?
Though Buster I saw as a more Mrs Doubtfire
On the subject of birds what about the Norwegian Blue, beautiful plumage ?
Also the Lilac Breasted Roller or this a Speedway term for getting out of the gate ?
Have this down as an away win. Poole can’t keep papering over the cracks and putting out a patched up team. It has to catch up with them sooner or later.
Strength in depth will be the key to this one.
Has Brady quit the Pirates ? Or just waiting to see how the track rides before returning ?