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Everything posted by semion

  1. Maybe the budgets at Ippo are different to those at Peterborough ? Bellego could be afforded at Foxhole but not at Alwarton. Could be based on crowd figures.
  2. How much can you afford to lose per season once you have parted with the purchase price ?
  3. And up against Kerr and Porsing who should not drop points to the likes of Lambo
  4. Yet Webbo you still go. Must be like going to the Cinema to watch the same film time and time again, knowing you didn’t enjoy it the first time. I don’t blame Buster, more the fans who pay £20 knowing full well they ain’t gonna enjoy it. Send me ya £20. I’ll flush it down the loo for you. Least it will save you a few quid on fuel.
  5. He is ok at this level around Saddlebow. Look at his scores there this season
  6. With all this blast from past talk about what a great track Saddlebow was, I’ve come up with the simple answer. Get Terry Betts back at Number one
  7. Didnt Buster go away to New Zealand for a while as it was his daughters wedding ?
  8. Webbo have you took the time out to roughly calculate how much of your dough Ray me that you have ‘invested’ in Speedway over the years ? Surely you must have had some pleasure out of it over the last half century ?
  9. Ok Chunks, I hope you can find it in ya heart to forgive my total lack of care. K R Steve
  10. Ok Chunky, must confess to not reading every post or indeed every thread
  11. If Pep Guardiola wanted the England would you turn him down cos he wasn’t English ? What has where a person was born got anything to do with being the right person for the job? Let me help you on with that coat
  12. How many times does GB produce a World Champion, let alone a guy who has won 3 ? Now you have a guy who wants to take his national Team to a new level. Do you not all think he should be listened to ? I would suggest he knows more about reaching the top Speedway than anyone else. Anyone else care to throw any names into the ring to rival that knowledge ? How about a Mark Loram to work alongside him ? Got to be more beneficial to Team GB than a part time lorry Driver who was a very average rider 20 plus years ago
  13. Take the no 1’s out of Aus, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and is there much else to replace them with of that level ? So losing Tai was the end of it. Not just what his scoring gave you but what he gets out of the other 2 riders. Yesterday showed how of a role the Manager has when in the final Poland ( riders) picked 2&4. Just goes to show it’s the guys on the bike calling the tune not the guy filling in the Programme
  14. I would suggest the ‘success’ in recent years has more to do with Tai dragging the other riders along while he was riding as a World no 1, rather that Rosco’s magical words to each rider before they went out for each race. It could be suggested that Tai is the inspiration to the riders to up their game while he is riding out of his skin for the cause.
  15. Listening to Tai it would seem that the reason he doesn’t ride in the UK is because it p155 poor and does nothing to enhance a riders cutting edge ( not to mention sub standard tracks and the financial side). I agree Tai jacked in the National set-up as he didn’t like the way it was going and 2nd rate treatment of the riders. Now he seems to fully onboard with the current set-up ( if not the personnel). To me, he came across as passionate about what was wrong and what needs to be done. If that means Rosco being shown the door, then so be it. There is only one Tai but loads of Rossiters.
  16. Loved hearing what Tai had to say. You can see he cares. The easiest thing for would now to say sod it i will just concentrate on me, and hang GB Speedway. Tai wasn’t on BT Sport to ‘smell the roses’ he just told it like it was. If he can pull together 5/6 lads of differing age/potential then let’s see what he can do. If it does work, then what have we lost? Put yourself in Robert Lamberts shoes. If Tai told you something you would take it onboard. If Roscoe/ Whoever told you something different, then who would you listen to ?
  17. With Buster having a finger in both pies I can’t see him letting Peterborough have first choice on available guests. He won’t want Lynn slipping up at home on this one
  18. Y fronts on ya head and a pencil up each nostril just doesn’t cut it anymore
  19. Loves u 2. Have to admit Harris at Poole has to be worth more than 4?
  20. Harris would have made this an away win. Looks very much like Poole got away with one here
  21. Ruiz beating Joshua was the biggest shock this year. We don’t want a bigger one next week.
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