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Everything posted by semion

  1. Should be a comfy win for the Young Stars, still at this level, you can never tell. Do they operate rolling averages in the 3rd League ?
  2. I had my first taste of 3rd tier racing this season at the Lynn v Mildy and as The Elite League will not be running weekly at Saddlebow, I fully intend to watch a few more. It is interesting to see these young men progress. For example the last time i saw Jake Knight ride he could hardly slide the thing, and was left adrift at the gate. Now he looks like he has a big future in the Sport. Just shows you can never tell. The only disappointing thing at this level is the use of R/R. I think all teams should be forced to track 7 riders. It gives someone else a chance that way.
  3. Then please for forgive me, if I had known it was gospel, I wouldnt have even considered questioning that statement
  4. Really ? Can you post the link where this has been confirmed ?
  5. Bjerre's was a big disappointment. The Lynn fans will certaibnly be taking a big interest in his next Wed night run out before a GP. The guy is as good a number one as there is to be had. I dont feel the lad is a great with a Mic shoved under his nose as he doesnt come over that well, and maybe thats why people want to have a dig at him. My feeling is I wonder if last night had been a GP whether he would have 3 breakdowns and stuck with the same maching ? My thoughts are he wouldnt, so in that respect he was showing contempt for both the competetion and his club. As for the meeting worthy winners in Ward and Holder. I wonder which one Poole fans will want to keep for next season (8 point rule and all that)? Maybe with Bjerre a big Rick Frost man, there maybe a a number one spot going at Saddlebow for either Ward or Holder next season. Was pleaseing to hear many of the riders singting the praises of the track at Lynn. Fast Freddie seemed to really love it, what a racer that boy is. If there was one rider I would love to see wearing a Lynn team suite, forget ya Crumps, Holders, Pedersen's give me Freddie every time.
  6. I cant wait hear Tatum give the explanation on how Jake Knight can replace KK. The Sky people must be thrilled at all the carry ons with this meeting.
  7. My reasons for now not going are pure and simple. Lack of value for money, plus the admission money i understand goes to the BSPA not to Buster and Kings lynn Speedway. After all that c*** in the Winter do I want to give them £20, I think not.
  8. Nathan, even if Kings lynn do win it, do you not think it will somewhat of a watered down hollow victory ? Hardly a top quailty field left now.
  9. Yeah, have to agree. there were 4 of us going over for this one. Now decided its not worth the trouble. about time this event was consigned to the scrapheap.
  10. Having seen what the Premier League Promotors do with thier best pairs event at Somerset, it is shameful to see this kind of field as representive of the best Elite League has to offer. Buster Chapman certainly drew the short straw in having to promote this one.
  11. According to another thread no KK for Brum tonight, Drury is phoning around trying to find a replacement. Joe Screen anyone ? Here is the latest news from the EDP website on tonights line-up http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/kings-lynn-stars/pedersen_heads_star_cast_at_king_s_lynn_1_876482
  12. Is it not about time the fans treated this kind of meeting with the same contempt as both riders and Promoters seem to ?
  13. http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/kings-lynn-stars/world_u21_champ_ward_makes_swift_king_s_lynn_return_1_875630
  14. Fish wont be level with anyone at the First bend, not in this company. Mon The Fish. Mon my a***
  15. Or Mimmo bringing in a long term relacement, and not having to use R/R for Adam, ( 1 point) then it might have been even closer. Has Dale any news for us on a replacement ?
  16. Difficult for the Kings Lynn promotion to get much spin on this meeting via the press, when they cant even get a firm line-up. Is Lee Richardson still in the line-up or is his van due a breakdown, sometime soon ?
  17. Has there been a confirmed line-up for this meeting yet ?
  18. Ignore that Mimmo Bryn, dont wear the tank top, just come in the string vest, shorts, (the ones Stanley Matthews use to wear) knotted hankie on the head. The only problem I can foresee is where would you keep ya woodbines ?
  19. Did you work those figures out on the back of a Woodbines packet ? Be interesting to see if Nikko gets young Mark a place with the Stars. He could travel up with his brother tonight.
  20. With the bad injury to Adam Lowe, there appears to be a team place available at Kings lynn, would Mark Baseby's average fit there ?
  21. Heres wishing Adam Lowe a full and speedy recovery. In the opinion of those there last night, is Jake Knight ready for Premier League racing ? From the outside looking in, it would appear so. As I recall in the few meetings he had in the Premier league last seasons he was on the pace, but maybe a little hesitant mixing it at the first bend. I assume he is a Kings Lynn asset.
  22. Dale was interviewed last night. He mention the riders that would be riding for the Young Stars next season. No mention of either Blackbird or indeed Cockle. He also said that he would be announcing a new signing today.
  23. So it sounds like an ambulance chase claim
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