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Everything posted by semion

  1. Trumpet Terrace... naked.. surely not
  2. Is he a nailed on cert to be at Ippo next season ? At 15 can he sign a contract ? I am sure Chris Louis will have his ear, but there maybe a few cheques waved at him to give food for thought.
  3. Reading Chris Harris being interviwed in todays EDP it seems Scott Nicholls will not be going to either the race-off or indeed the final should Team GB quailify. Unless Middlo can talk him around.
  4. I think Lea, Matchbox. I guess Uncle Lennie is taking thsi seaosn as an experiment to see if he can drag a few quid out of people by using the Hackney name. By what people are saying on here, its not working t well. Next season will he call it quits with 3rd tier Speedway or go back to using the Rye name ?
  5. What goes around, comes around. Uncle Lennie's way of presenting will make a comeback one day. Sad that many of us wont be around to see it.
  6. aljack, i guess its being so cheerful that keeps you going.
  7. Did the new Aussie Heaps have a spin aftert he meeting, if so does he look the dogs swingers, as some have been saying ?
  8. That is surely not unique to Hoddesdon. I seem to recall Rob Lyon stating he was not looking forward to the Stars recent trip to Lakeside, kind of one he wanted to get out of the way. Yet the trip to Rye House, in recent years, has always seen Lynn in with a sniff of the points.
  9. Other riders have left Rye and picked up rides elsewhere. Roynon, Mear, Allen, Boxall for example. I think the Bowen example is only used to fit your argument. He is a rider who has sustained a fair few injuries over the years, who knows how far he may have gone, somethign we will never know. You could use the same argument about Kings Lynn with Adam Allot.
  10. Aljack My bet is you dont care who wins it as long as its not your own Ipswich rider, Hart.
  11. Slighty, didnt Kennet start on the trainning track at Arlington ? Maybe Arlington was more a problem to him than Hoddesdon ? I thought Tai and Linus had 2 seasons each at Rye.
  12. Dont think it appears to have effected Tai Woffinden or Linus Sunstrom ( to name but 2) to much.
  13. Lee Richardson said in last weeks Star that Speedway is a business to him. Was he riding elsewhere last night, or has he just lost out on a payday ? If so, not much of a business call, that one.
  14. Thats not always the case. http://www.thefa.com/TheFACup/FACompetitions/TheFAYouthCup/Match-Centres-2010-11/Final/First-leg/Post-Match-Reports/colossal-crowd-180511 I wonder how many will be there for the 2nd leg at Old Trafford tomorrow ?
  15. Has Simon Lambert done any meetings for Stoke as yet ? It does rather seem like they are always dragging in guests to fill the Number 1 berth.
  16. With fuel at around 6.50 a gallon, and a round trip of 70 miles, i am no longer prepared to take the risk of a meeting being on/off. So slightest sign of rain I stay home. Well done to the Young Stars, great win.
  17. Weather looks very iffy to me here, so i do think I will give this one a miss. Heres hoping the meeting goes ahead and they get some decent racing in. Is there any news on any more signings or will dale wait 28 days for the new lad to be bale to race and Lewis Kerr to return ?
  18. Well done Dale in acting so quickly.
  19. I seem to remember in Elite League you could get a 5% average addition when bringing in a guest. Did this not apply to all leagues ?
  20. With Darrens average of 7.47 being the lowest of any number one in the League, its a tough one. Darren was certainly worth far more than his average.
  21. I read that Michael Lee is going to having 'words' with James Brundle this week after his poor display at Belle Vue Monday night. This was Lee's first time as a Team manager. I have visions of him standing by the pit gate looking at his watch waiting for his riders to arrive.
  22. Could Chris Mills step in as a number one ? He has a good following at Kings Lynn.
  23. Sadly couldnt get along to the meeting last night. Was there a decent crowd in ? Also with the injuries, did the safety fence not do its job ?
  24. Best wishes to both the injured Lynn riders. You really have to feel for Darren, that boy has suffered so many injuries over the years. Makes me wonder if he hadnt of had such bad luck where he would be in the Sport.
  25. I did suggest the name Mark Baseby on here a couple of weeks back, who would you suggest ?
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