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Everything posted by semion

  1. If Ollie went to Hoddeson, get Tommy back as well. Think of how much Uncle lennie would save on travelling. Everyones a winner.
  2. What is Bowden's daughter's role at the Club ?
  3. Saturday ? You are going back a lot of years if you went to Saddlebow for Speedway of a Saturday. Must say though Shadders, I do miss the meetings at Hoddesdon between the two teams. Well remember one race between Tom and Tai, where they seemed to pass one another on each bend, both giving each other room to race. I think Tai got Tom on the line. Happy days
  4. Whatever will Uncle Lennie do when he has to go head to head with No Likey, No Lighty
  5. I would suggest Screamer the meeting has been put together, in shall we say an inexpensive way. No Top names, even from the Premier League. I would respectfully suggest if it wasnt for the fact it was to remember Ash, would many even bother with it.
  6. I think the last thing i heard tweet was a bird as it flew off my front bumper.
  7. I think Doolan would be a little to strong for the line-up. It looks to me like a National League/Premier League Res type of standard. Plus all the riders look quite local. Doolan is Sheffield is based, isnt he ?
  8. If the likes of Wuffy and Ward pull out of riding in the UK, then genuine number ones could well be in short supply. Clubs who have assets will obviously gets first dibs on those assets. The riders that are left could then be very sought after, and even end up as part of a bidding war. All the 'dream' teams' i have seen out together on this thread, are just that. Kings Lynn will again be sitting at the feet of other promotors with the begging bowl out. I can understand why Buster is not prepared to buy any expensive assets, but thats the price we have to pay. I am still not convinced that Kings Lynn will be Elite League next season. Looking the line-up of the Ash Jones meeting, there looks a few riders who Buster could be looking at for Premier league racing at Lynn, plus a look at the form of the current assets to see who could be worth a place at that level. Ok maybe 2+2 = 1000009988, but a thought at least.
  9. I thought Workington employed a PR company at the start of this season, that was going to have fans flooding in, or at least increase the numbers, did they not take it on ?
  10. I didnt think Buster was looking to buy any riders, or rather i think it was Jonathon who said it. I can well understand that as well. You can spend 20-30k bringing a rider in, use him for one season then its back to the numbers games in as much as can he fit into your team the following season. Look at NKI for example. Peterbough paid good money for him, Lynn for 2 seasons, Wolves for a season. I guess thats why Middlo wants to keep hold of Ward, after Ford paid out big money for him. The other side is you could pay out big money, then after one year the rider decides he will give the UK a miss,so a Promotor cant even get a loan fee for him. Speedway is not that well off that Promotions can afford to throw money down the drain. Speedway now is more about Guns for hire. They do a year or even 2 then move on to the next Big Top in another town.
  11. Seems a strange comment to make about the future, if it was just to stir the fans up.
  12. Buster's screamed at the ref while banging on the refs door, 'No wonder i want to get out of the sport' Will Buster still be at Saddlebow next season, Is he looking to get out ?
  13. I think The Rye presentation lost its way when the Dog racing ceased at Hoddesdon. It was always good viewing to watch Uncle Lennie toss that £2 coin onto the dog track and watch x number of kids scrabbling around in amongst the dog sh1te trying to get it. Pure box office that.
  14. I think they should play Those Magnificant Men in the flying machines on the Victory parade as well. Gives a sense of continuity.
  15. So now we have sorted next years team boss, that just leaves the little matter of 7 riders to sort.
  16. With Rob Lyon unsure if he will continue after the end of the season, now with Colin Pratt walking out at Coventry.....2 + 2=
  17. I think you will find Wolbert is still an Edinburgh asset. If Buster is unsure of how the Elite League is for Kings Lynn (2 year option ) then why would he spend money building up assets who won't be able to use in the future. If he decides this coming year that future for Lynn is Elite then he must have built up a war chest through the sales of the likes of Ward, Doolan, Batch etc. next season could see us sign a few up for the future. Then again we could be riding Ipswich 6/8 times
  18. IF Lynn remain in The Elite League next season the team will be cobbled together with left overs from other teams tables, and within budget. IF The Stars drop back down then I can see title challenging team being put together
  19. Speedway and Chess must be some connection there. Pawns maybe. Knights, Bishops and not forgetting the odd Queen
  20. What a PR nightmare this guy is. Have to feel sorry for the Plymouth fans being led by a Promoter likes this. Clueless.
  21. Its interesting when you see how Britannia rules the waves at such sports as Rowing and Cycling. What have they got so right in this country that Speedway could learn from ?
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