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Everything posted by semion

  1. Which are just a small Town club tucked away In West Norfolk. We just get on with things. We dont have to get involved in the we hate Poole/Cov/ Swindon ( delete as appropriate) . We Just enjoy oour Speedway. Many peoples 2nd team, I feel.
  2. I feel the fans are happy with the team, the Manager, the Promotion, the track. Whats to talk about ? Bring it on. One little question. Who is replacing Dick Barries Lovechild on the mic ?
  3. I see what you mean Baggy, they cant even post with out using a profanity.
  4. Likewise Baggy, if there are any better tracks to watch speedway than Saddlebow and Alwarton, then i have not seen them. Right back to the days of Andy Hines, Nigel Flatman, Brian and Ian Clark I have always enjoyed my trips over to the home of the bottom team in Championship.
  5. More Importantly are you sure that im wrong ?
  6. I am sure Buster will be pleased to see you. I hope you enjoy your night out watching a decent team on a well prepared track. Or were you in fact not telling the truth ? Would that mean your word could not be trusted? and that relly in fact you an untrustyworth person ? I seem to remember Darcy Ward didnt want to go to Peterborough either, despite being offered more than what was on offer from Ford. Seems a bit of a re-occurring theme developing here.
  7. Dont shoot the messenger. It was there in black n white another rider who wont ride for Peterborough. I wonder what the likes of Roscoe and Rob Lyon do for a rider that Pat Butcher/Frost doesnt at Alwarton ?
  8. Reading this weeks Star it seems its not just NKI who wont ride for Peterboorugh, Now Troy is stating he wont go back there and he will ride for whom he wants to. What Is Ricky Frost doing to these riders ?
  9. Taken from This weeks EDP http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/kings-lynn-stars/king_s_lynn_stars_and_niels_kristian_iversen_still_playing_a_waiting_game_1_1731498
  10. There is nothing wrong with JJR,........ well nothing that a Full frontal lobotomy wouldnt cure.
  11. Can certainly see Lynn up there challenging. Maybe NKI would prefer a Wednesday night track to fit in with his GP commitments. Have to say the rider I am looking forward to seeing around The NA is, Klint. Also hope Kozza comes back and can take himself tot he next level.
  12. Maybe Uncle Lennie has set his team up so that when Nelson decides he isnt coming, Lennie will have x number of riders offering their services on the cheap as they havent got a team place. Wily Old Fox, that Uncle Lennie
  13. Would you really ? If he isnt at Poole I feel he will go to the highest bidder. Now which Elite League owner has the deepest pockets ? A mild morning, no nip in the air would be my guess.
  14. Really disappointed to see only one of the Allen brothers in The Rye House line-up.
  15. I just figure that after the opening season in the Elite league Buster will want to get us back up to that level. Last seasons team never looked that strong from the ouset, and so it proved. Gates dropped. we have had 2 years to find out feet back at this level. Now we need to move up to the next level and compete at the business end of the table.
  16. 1. Harris 2. Hougaard 3. Pedersen B 4. Barker 5. Schlein 6. Szczepaniak 6. Smith
  17. Do we know yet if Rob Lyon has departed as team manager, and if so who will be coming in ?
  18. Shadders are trying to get your name in print again this week ?
  19. Baggy, then I take that back, on 8.8 Puk is worth keeping. I guess it depends on if the Elite League will be further watered down or not. Wolbert was far to hit and miss, but maybe on his low average he could add a point of so, the same could be said of the Pole. Its the likes of Nermark that I see no future in. The same goes for Mads. They are where they are to stay. Elite league journeymen. The lad Majic, will be a great rider, just not in the British League. He misses to many meetings for reasons various. Would like to see some fresh blood brought in, either up an coming from the Premier League or from away. Ones who can hopefully bring thier averages up over a 2 season period
  20. Is Machin staying or selling up ? I thought I read a few weeks back he was looking to get out. would the other guy there take it on ?Or hasnt he got the knowledge ?
  21. I am not sure there is too many good bits to throw away. NKI was different class, but has he reached his peak ? Thats where the gamble comes in. Why would you say cook will end up elsewhere ? If he wants to become an Elite heat leader where better to do that than at a home track like Saddlebow. I agree we should have an out and out number one. Then again how many thought that NKI could fill that role this season ? Do we again try and go with with an 8 point rider who can hopefully add a point, or a 9.5 who will do very well to hold that ?
  22. Good call Montie, thats the type of rider i would like to see there, the guy is only going to get better. I thought Lakeside had first dibs on him ?
  23. I would like to see the model we used so successfully in The Premier league come in play. Will build a team that would hold its own in year one with loads of improvement in it as the season progressed. Then In year 2 we reaped the benefits of it. We did it more than once. Ok, I accept it will be much harder to do in The Elite League. I jsut think all the names being put on here show very little in the way of improvment. Niels had a fine season, but can he go on again next season, with the added distraction of The grand Prix's ? I really have my doubts. Maybe we should start with a clean sheet of paper and put together a nice little 2 year plan.
  24. Bit like Call Girls, Speedway riders cant be to fussy who employs them, as long as the money is right.
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