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Everything posted by semion

  1. I dont see it that way. The first week is a celebration of TT's time with The Stars, man and boy. After that its all focussed on the season ahead and the Stars Challenge to try and nick one of those play-off places. Plenty to look forward to in the build up toward the new season.
  2. Capable of top 4 ? Have Peterborough completed their line-up ?
  3. Now the fixtures are out it really feels its about to kick-off. The TT and Ashley meetings will be good warm-ups for the riders in readiness to stick one into Frostie and his boys. I can feel a very Good Friday coming.
  4. sorry Malcolm, I didnt mean to say legend, it was meant to say Leg end More like Emma Hamilton than the vicars son from Burnham Thorpe Being the main man around that area Malcom fancy letting them knock his Jetty down
  5. What were you like at 17 Malcolm, had you grown that ponytail at this stage so as when you joined the Foreign Legion ( corrected for Malcolm) it would keep the sun off ya neck ? Just asking you understand
  6. Dont be sorry, We are all wrong at some point, it even happened to me once.
  7. Kozza will be fine once he gets back into it. It might take him a few weeks once he is back in the UK, but I have no worries with him.
  8. Nothing is GREAT about it. Its a GOOD team, that will be top half of the league imho, win the league, win the Play-offs ? Who knows. Thats what makes the sport so interesting. I think Most Lynn fans are happy with the 7 Buster has put together, as we most were with the team he put together in our first season back in The Elite league. Win, lose or draw, I am sure we will enjoy the ride.
  9. The £17 I can live with, what I will not do though is travel 60 miles around trip if there is the slightest chance of it being rained off. I am not going to risk 15 quids worth of petrol for nothing.
  10. With the side Hoggy has put together at Sheffield, they should try and get Poundland on board as their main sponsor, seems a match made in heaven
  11. and would you include your employees as fixed assets in your accounts ? I think not. I cant see NatWest being to excited by that, if you did.
  12. People needed worry about Buster. People prehaps would also do well to remember he has sold the likes of Troy, Darcy and Kev Doolan over the past few years. That must equal a good few 000 in anyones book.
  13. It will come. a rider will be an asset as long as the club pay him on a contract. After the contract expires he will be free to seek employment elsewhere. With the new Euro league, then then next stage will be that a rider can only have a contract with one employer, not 3/4 or however many countries that rider has a team place. The rider will then be loaned to other Clubs in other Countries. It will only take one rider to change things, and it will come.
  14. Why if Peterborough cannot deny Swindon permission to speak with Troy, then it begs the question why do Swindon have to ask Peterbourgh for permission ??
  15. You think theres money in this sugerbeet lark, hey Baggy ? I see some of his wagons have the Stars advertising on the back of them now. I dont know if it is of interest but Lidl have a special on tena pads this week.
  16. That is the sad fall out. I remember back when a visit from Aces was a not to be missed meeting of the season. Now its the one where you ask yourself, can I really be assed ?
  17. Maybe Ricky Frost is going for a job share at number one. Between NKI, Bjerre, Anderson, Batcholer, and Sullivan He doesnt seem keen to let any of them go.
  18. With NKI at Lynn. Hans and Troy at Swindon, who will Peterboorugh have at number one, Flyin Ryan ? Just all goes to prove the idea of clubs having assets is flawed.
  19. Thats Ok. Buster can pay it out of the takings from the Good Friday Meeting. lets hope there is massive contigent in from Peterborough, that way they can pay for KL to sign NKI Makes good business sense to me.
  20. If thats the case can see us only starting with 6 points out of a possible 7
  21. I know we start our Home meets with the TTT. Any news coming out yet on who we kick our league season of against, and when ?
  22. What happened to the golden rule of attacking the post, not the poster ?
  23. Look after NKI, then if he wants to leave P'boro to join Lynn then there is nothing to stop him. I am waiting to read in the Star that its either Lynn or Norman Stanley is not going to annouce in the UK. As a 2nd choice Instead of Darren Fletcher how about that other Darren in P'boro, he will be looking for another job come the summer.
  24. Baggy, You mean Orb wasnt being serious ? Was that his attempt at humour ? ....Now where did I put that needle and cotton
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