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Everything posted by semion

  1. I agree, its doing no one any favours with his lack of competiveness into the first bend. I just cannot stop looking at those first 3 meetings, and thinking he did a decent job. So begs the question, what has changed for him in that short space of time. I would have rather have seen us stick with him for a another couple of weeks. Swindon and Wolves were both home tracks for him, so that would have been the test to see if he could snap himself out of it.
  2. With 2 riders already shown the door, it does feel like things at Saddlebow are changing. This was never the 'Kings Lynn' way. We have always stuck by riders going through a rocky patch. Klint opened up with 3 decent meetings for the Club, followed by 3 ropey ones. Does he become a poor rider overnight ? I think Buster is really after that first ever title. Thats why I feel Klint out and Howe in has to be a short term measure. I hear what you are saying Baggy, and maybe they have given a lot of thought to this change, but I fail to see how the change is going to help in the long term, unless a new rider is earmarked to come in. Or is the hope that Klint will take a break, re-discover his recently lost form and everything is rosey in the garden. and Plan B is ??
  3. I think Rob was concerned with Klindt in seeing him shut off going into the first bend from the tapes. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe Klint has said he needs time out. To bring David Howe in looks a rather quick reaction. Lets hope its a short term appointment and Buster has someone else up his sleeve. Kozza, Klint replaced by Worral and Howe... Makes it about even for me.
  4. Disappointed to See Klindt removed. I thought In the opening 3 matches of the season he was going to be our ace in the hole and bea 7 point rider. Sorry, but I cannot see David Howe coming up with that kind of average. I wonder if Howe is a stop gap signing, and something else is in the wind.
  5. Maybe the track would come to the riders if you were in the Elite league, which I understood to be the plan.
  6. I dont think many Stars fans would have been demanding changes and would have stuck by Kozza in the short term, also I cannot think many will be up in arms about Richie coming in. Its called supporting the Promotion, and taking the rough with the smooth. Of course we all want to be winners, but come the end of the season there will only be one name on the trophy. Anyway Cov fans should be happy, like us Stars fans. Both Clubs have signed riders from Newcastle, You get their number one and we get their number 5. Sounds like you guys got the better the deal
  7. Also with Richie you have a rider who is currently bang on the money. Kozza is work in progress after his long lay off.
  8. Never saw that one coming. Buster certainly seems to have the bit between his teeth and is really going for the Play-offs this season. You have to feel a bit for Kozza, but i am sure he will bounce back and get back to where he was before the injury.
  9. So 2 rides for Alden one a piece for Mads & Klint, shouldnt weaken us too much. Plus it should give the fast starting Seb a run out off a decent gate in heat one.
  10. Baggy, Im sure he loves Wimborne Road as well, but it really seems he is struggling to find his form this season. maybe it is a case of his better machinery is not in the UK these days. If Stead is missing on Wednesday night, who can take the R/R rides, apart for Smith & Alden ?
  11. If Stead does miss Wed night it even things up as the opposition have an out of form World Champion to cover for.
  12. Is Luke Bowen anywhere near being fit to ride again ?
  13. You think they may want to keep under wraps for the reminder of the season ? Anyway lets hope Buster and Rob stick with Kozza for a good while yet. After all he is no Ricky Wallace. I feel sure come the end of the season Smith will have increased his starting average.
  14. Has Richie Worrall got a Elite berth yet ? Just saying, as Baggy was asking to name a decent rider on an average that would fit.
  15. Ok Kozza has not set the World on fire in the opening meetings. Have faith, it will come. As the seasons progresses other riders will have dips in form. Once he starts getting some decent scores for Berwick, it will come.
  16. Hows about Chris Mills ? or has he retired ?
  17. Surely you mean 2 ex Bandits, Lets hope the weatherman gets it wrong, and the sun comes out for Ash
  18. Anyway back to all things Kings Lynn instead of reading insane ramblings about P'Boro/Swindon ( the Clue is in the thread title) anyone know if a replacement for Lord Bennett has been found yet ? I seem to remember before Mike came back we had some right duffers let loose on us.
  19. 12 years at Cradley gets him an Hon Presidency.... 15 years at Coventry gets him sod all squared. take a bow Mick Horton, take a Bow.
  20. Come on Bryn get a grip. That victory over those snail eaters must have affected your thought pattern... Have you put in your application to replace Lord Bennett yet ?
  21. Gizza Job http://www.kingslynnstars.co/index.php/elite/stars-news/92-staff-required
  22. But I bet he never waited for hours to get on a Ship at the weekend Trees...
  23. Thats the one, he lived out Ovington ( Watton ) way as i recall, now a Scunny asset (??)
  24. Then again with no real connection to Kings Lynn, maybe the rider was keen to put down some roots and the Leicester wanted to show thier committment to the rider.
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