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Everything posted by semion

  1. McDonald or one his farmyard Animals at 7 won’t have any affect on the score. Lynn to take this one by 10 plus. McD0nald. The same as P0rsing
  2. I think cheering Poole is somewhat over stating things Shovvy. The big plus this year will be Poole not accused of choking it. Still there is always next April to look forward to.
  3. Shovy who would prefer to face in the Semi ? Which, if either, gives you the best chance of reaching the final ? The way it looks from the outside is that both Wolves and Swindon would take you to the cleaners over two legs
  4. Just guns for hire. There is always another gig to go to. Most riders don’t have a clue what the match score is but they know how many they have scored as an individual and how much they have earnt.
  5. Get Broc Nichol in, let’s have a look at what you might have won. You can’t beat a bit of bully
  6. The first 20 years are the worst Baggy Followed of course by a Hollywood production wedding at some point. Best start saving now and forget Speedway Then of course there’s the down payment on the house. Welcome to the Bank of Mum n Dad
  7. What Pantomime will it be this year ? Aladdin ? With Buster as Window Twanky
  8. Over a League season? Yep. Same as Lynn were better than Poole last season.
  9. That little Lisa she likes to cast a few bread crumbs onto the water
  10. Orlav. In hindsight you may well be right. However we have deal in what did happen not what maybe should have happened. Bookies don’t let you bet on a horse after the race
  11. Interested ? That’s a bit strong emotion. However I thought this event was of mega importance to Poole fans where they get a chance to line his pockets, ooops I meant pay tribute to the man who has filled the programme in with Matts chequebook behind him.
  12. When is the much needed and massive in terms of World Speedway event? I am of course referring to the Neil Middleditch testimonial? Can we stand the suspense of not knowing when it is ?
  13. Micheal Lee was many things. I’m just thankful that I got to see him in his pomp. Robert Lambert is a fine rider. In Lee’s class ? Not a chance. Look what Lee was doing to the best the World had to offer when he was 20/21.
  14. Lambert has had a fair season. No better no worse. I’d box it off as a plateau one, ready to push on next season. I would suggest being involved in the GP’s has been a massive eye opener and now knows the level he needs to obtain going forward. i sure as heck wouldn’t bet against him making that next step up the ladder. However can’t see that including UK. It’s the easy one to drop with him being based in Germany
  15. Seems Lambert has the attitude of a lot of fans in this Country. As in, Can’t be assed. Have to admit I’m in that group.
  16. That’s very true Wolfie, with that I don’t disagree. However the facts are he did ride. We can only deal in what happened, not what should have happened.
  17. Who does Craig Cook play for ? Sorry I must have missed that one. Dont you think that the Football powers that be have enough issues to right with the fit and proper scenario. So don’t get me started on Football v Speedway. Wolfie I can always teach you the words to boing boing baggies baggies if you wish. Has to be better than Hi Ho Wolverhampton don’t you think ? Maybe, just maybe Speedway, for once is ahead of the game in support of this issue.
  18. Kennett use to ‘not turn up’ at Lynn plenty of times in the past. As for Cook if the guy was ill and someone pushed all the right/wrong buttons why on earth should the guy be punished further ? Time some people learnt a little humility. Honestly it’s not hard and might make you be seen as a better person.
  19. Same old Shovvy template just change the names. Poole are a top team with Middlo bringing riders on. Only have too look what he has done for Jack Holder, Ritchie Worrall, Ricky Wells, Jakobson to Name just a few. Msybe if a rider wants to improve Middlo is the man to avoid. When his the ginger one’s testimonial? Must be soon
  20. He will be fine, bit of sticking plaster, couple of aspro’’s will see him proudly pull on the old Skull n Crossbones and continue that rich vein of form he has been delivering for Middlo. Dont forget if there one Manager who can squeeze that extra 10% out of a rider then it’s Middlo.
  21. See Geoff, you are doing it again. It seems like you can’t help yaself. Now you are trapping off about you trapping off. Do you think it could be an illness ? Go get it checked out. Better safe than sorry.
  22. Fingers crossed for all Poole fans that Ricky recovers to play his part in the play-offs
  23. He has been banned. However he appealed. Until the appeal is heard he won’t serve any ban. Obviously if the appeal is successful then of course no ban will be necessary.
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