Darcy had the advantage of starting at a decent track. NKI only came to Lynn much later.
If Ward is the best GP rider and Puk the better League rider, as some are suggesting. Does this mean Ward is not putting in the effort at League level ?
Ward was certainly the better rider, racer, call it what you will, last week at Lynn. This week the circus with the guns for hire moves on to Poole. Who is the better rider, racer this week ?
Like you say, there is more Speedway going on than just here in the UK, for the top riders. Sp he is Hardly going to meet too many riders of Polish and /or Grand Prix standard at Lynn On Thursday night
I agree with you GWR, Rose is proving to be a big loss. Team Lewis looked capable of having the upper hand over any other reserve pairing in the League. Kerr is now fighing a one man battle. Lets hope he stays safe.
Can see this being Lynn's biggest home win of the season. If KB is back and NKI is back to normal factor in the big points scored by the other 4 v Poole and it all points to a biggie from Lynn.
Any news on the other half of Team Lewis ?
I agree, but Rob struggled to find a replacement for the last away meet, will it prove any easier this time. Rose missing is another blow as Mallet is not going to score anything like Rose. Still the League is a marathon not a sprint.
Would Ritchie Worrall fit for Lambert ?
Would it make financial sense for a rider to set up over in the UK for half a season ? Clubs would have to foot the bill for riders to do this. Also which one of the Grand Prix Riders would want a Thursday fixture prior to a Grand Prix ? On paper it's a great idea, in reality can't see it happening. We have to come to terms with the fact that even riders (Holder for example) who are based in the UK don't want to ride here. We are way down the pecking order.
Buster took the gamble and bought his own Speedway stadium, he has invested in a National League team and this season it has paid dividends. Does anyone begrudge him that after the amount of money he has undoubtedly invested ?