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Everything posted by semion

  1. Lambert is such a talent, can he fulfill the potential ? Time will tell.. As for the best 16 year old. For me there was nothing to touch Michael Lee. Home debut v Leicester, when teams had 3 proper heat leaders, I think Lee scored 7 from 4 and beat Ray Wilson. Think he may have ended up 2nd in the Lynn Stars averages that season behind Terry Betts at slightly under 8 points. He was doubling up with Boston as i recall.
  2. Never saw that one coming. All round team effort. Even Lewi R played his part in heat 2.
  3. Is the weather good in the Black Country ?
  4. Says on the Stars website he is hoping to be back Thursday. I hope he doesnt try and rush back too soon. Also sounds like Lewis K wont be missing for too long.
  5. Max Frickie replaces Porsing at Number 2 tonight. Has he ever riden there before ?
  6. Who have Kings Lynn brought in to replace Kerr ?
  7. Like to hear Robs take on why he left Jan in and not throw in an unbeaten (at that time) Lewis B
  8. Lynn team not firing on all cylinders. Tough place to go. So happy with a point. Unusual for Rob to make a mistake maybe Lewis B didn't want 6 rides.
  9. Surely it will still be the back straight. Otherwise they would need 2 starting gates, and have the Refs box on wheels. I thought the problem of the sun was it coming over the top of the 2nd bend and shinning into the riders eyes on bends 1 and 4 ? So will it be a problem down the back straight ? I think we need an engineers report. Or at the very least an NHS type risk assesment, that should take 12 months !!
  10. Maybe as Cook as no overseas Teams he needs the money. More a case of economics than Commitment ?
  11. Or.... Why not ride the other way around (clockwise) until the sun is low enough to then go back to riding anti clockwise. Its not just Females who have good ideas.
  12. How old is Craig Cook, 27/28 ? Not really a youngster in Speedway terms. Maybe he sees he has a now a limited amount of time to earn big money from the Sport. he maybe cannot look to the medium/long term, as his earning capacity ( in Speedway Terms) is at his highest level now. He maybe wants to milk it while he can. In truth who can blame him. Not everyone in the Sport is a Greg Hancock. There is the answer GRW. Buster needs to plant some trees and then in say 50 years time, we wont have the problem. lol
  13. Hopefully Graversen can see off the weaker of the two Lakeside Reserves. If Blackbird is going well he could also take one of Graversens rides. I see to recall Blackbird has guested in the main body in The Elite League. R/R for Watt, with Lawson, Karlson, Barker and Bech taking the rides, does this weaken them at all ?
  14. Or maybe one of these would do the trick. http://anthonyneilsmith.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341d1a6053ef01538e3fd8b6970b-popup
  15. I didnt want to steal the home clubs fans thunder by starting one.
  16. With the issue of the sun, I wonder if Sky has been there whether there would have been that kind of delay ? I dont ever recall the sun being an issue at Saddlebow back in the 70's and 80's. Has the Kings Lynn landscape changed that much ?
  17. Nicholls should be able to come up with 6 points at least. 13 from NKI, 10 from Rory (5 rides), 7 from Nicholls, Can the other 4 get 16 between them ? Last time Lambert got 7 and Kerr got 10 ( i think ) Mallet failed to score.
  18. Never mind all this Speedway Stuff... For tonight, and tonight only Lets hear it for England...ENGERLAND.
  19. Porsing got just the 3 points on his last visit. I think It will be Kerr who we will miss, unless Blackbird can step in with a heavy score. Not sure what R/R for Bjerre gave us last time, hopefully Nicholls can match it. We need a big night from NKI, again.
  20. On the Lakeside website its got Jan Graversen at Number 2 for Lynn. Also has Ben Barker in for Lewis Bridger. At Least we have team Lewis at Reserve, even if its a only half of our team Lewis.
  21. Belle Vue are indeed a strange team. When you look at there top 5 on paper, they are a match up for anyone. On track they seem to fall away. Zager is either a 3 or zero man. Cook very hit and miss, Worrall likewise. Palm Toft is over performing to what I would have expected. Scotty Nicholls, is always a rider that does what it says on the tin. I still think when they soert themselves out they will sneak into the 4th postion.
  22. One has to cast a little bread on the water, from time to time.
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