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Everything posted by semion

  1. Thanks for that Gordon. How come Bruce had 5 rides ?
  2. It was a little 'deep' that night as I recall. Think Lynn riders had a full days practise on it. 5 Lynn riders flew on it while 2 couldnt hack it. If my memory serves me right it was Nermark and Mills/Lee ? Anyone got the Indivudual scores from that night ?
  3. Im alright Jack. What about the rest of us, dont you hope its on for oursake ?
  4. Is there a stato who can tell us how many Guests were used in the Elite last season compared to how many have been used so far this season ?
  5. Maybe we should just have two sets of 7 riders, who tour around the Country representing each team. Billy Smart eat ya heart out.
  6. Thursdays meeting will have no barring on the play offs, if these two meet up. Buster is canny enough to make sure the track on Thursday will be nothing like the one he will prepare IF these two meet up in the Play-offs. Lynn fans have seen what Buster can do, when something special is called for. Let Ford think he is putting one over on the rest of Speedway. I have faith in Buster to repay it, with interest.
  7. I hope Buster holds back on preparing one of his "special" tracks until, if we are lucky enough to be there, we meet Poole in the play offs. As for Thursday night let's hope for a good nights entertainment and the right result for Speedway
  8. Eddie will show Matt who's the boss when he takes over. Matt might be able to fiddle his way around the BSPA members but he won't be doing that to Eddie when he is in control
  9. Speedway today is the same as what followed Will down the Watershute in the new Inbetweeners movie.
  10. Speedway changes rules mid season , it's a fix say fans. Shock, Horror. Like it's the first time. You follow a Micky Mouse Sport you get Micky Mouse rules and Regs. Deal with it.
  11. That brings a whole new meaning to the idea of riders having a skid !
  12. Buster is a great trackman, but I would suggest his predecessor at Saddlebow was a even better.
  13. I seem to remember Buster saying a few years back he was having difficulty in sourcing the right kind of shale. As I recall the old seam had been exhausted. Think the shale was coming from a good distance away from Lynn and was obviously costing a lot more with an increase in the transportation costs.
  14. Cant see Buster letting that one pass without a response.
  15. I have to agree with Hemsley to a point. Saddlebow is not the track that it once was in terms of racing. Having said that maybe Hemsley should be more concerned with his own business and making sure he offers a decent racing track.
  16. If any riders start letting it slip then I can see Lyon giving Ben & Jerry a call
  17. If Only Alan Phillips could have followed a role model like Prudence Brown. C'mon You Brummies lets have a bit of postive spin on things going forward. Ok you have had a massive kick in the gonads, but come next March there has to be a fighting chance that you will be watching your team in the Rhubarb and custard again.
  18. I read it has a pint and burger for a fiver. It says in the article that Administrators have been appointed. I guess whoever is likely to take over will be trying to do a deal to buy whatever assets are not subject to any form of retention of title.
  19. Not sure where this one should be posted, but read in Todays Speedway Star that Alan Littlechild has died. Us old uns at Lynn will remember Big Al as the team manager for many many years.
  20. Not a happy Puk In todays EDP http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/kings-lynn-stars/i_think_he_robbed_us_of_the_meeting_it_was_completely_unprofessional_king_s_lynn_stars_rider_rages_about_referee_after_defeat_at_poole_1_3697336#cxrecs_s
  21. He's overseen Lynn ZOOM to the top of the league
  22. It's a rum old do raisin that in here I'll get me coat
  23. Rose keeping his place in heat 14 wouldn't have anything to do with the exchange of words between Lyon and himself the other night, would it ?
  24. It could be suggested that if these 2 meet in the final Buster might well produce one of his tracks for the home leg.
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