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The Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by The Grim Reaper

  1. No, it's another example of Sky ar*elicking round their two favourite tracks once again.They don't give a stuff about any other tracks so my advice is let the Poole & Eastbourne lot get on with it & don't bother wasting your money.
  2. God preserve us. Well at least I know who to contact when I want my roots re-doing.
  3. That's quite witty for a Reading fan although I notice your reply was edited so you obviously had to have a few practice go's first.
  4. Haven't you ever got completely ratar*ed & mistaken the wardrobe for the bog? Me neither but I know plenty who have.
  5. Like I give a rat's fart, that'll be me & Curly Sue Steele without any friends.
  6. Do you earn your living by giving lectures on the art of shoe mending by any chance? If not I think you ought to give it a go, 'cos you talk cobblers in here.
  7. From any other part of the country your posting would be considered complete cobblers, but as your from Workington I'll view it as a work of art.
  8. There's a book called The Stadium Southampton which tells the story of Banister Court. It was published in 1992, & written by C.R.Bailey 381 Burgess Road, Swaythling, Southampton,Hampshire, S02 3BD. It's not a massive book so hopefully, even at your advanced stage in life you should be able to get through it before you peg it. Good luck.
  9. Maybe he should ride in the so called Elite League. Looks like he could do with a bit more practice.
  10. Good job you were watching very carefully what happened. We wouldn't want you to get your facts wrong now would we? As i said on another pointless Pedersen bashing thread somewhere, people only report the facts as they would like them to have been, not how they were. I suggest you all rewind your taoes & watch the Grump/Pedersen incident again, in slow motion if needs be, then you can come back & make factual posts instead of stupid mis-informed ones.
  11. Truth hurts does it? Not at all. I was just just observing that in the short time I've been a forum member your posts never fail to come over as anything other than complete & utter balls. Just my opinion, no hard feelings.
  12. The usual load of balls we come to expect from you Dekker & which you never fail to deliver.
  13. Take that back this minute or else I'll, I'll.......I'll never talk to you again & you wont be my friend anymore.
  14. You have the wrong list, Mr Reaper! Check with God, in the updated list, my name is right at the top! My word you really are in a good mood tonight aren't you. You can't be on a promise 'cos you'd have left us long ago, so you must have been on the cooking sherry. Let's hope you're still as happy when you look in the wardrobe tomorrow & wonder why your clothes are all wet.
  15. To be fair, Nicki didn't swear once during his conversation with the referee - give credit where it's due! Which goes to prove yet again that where NP is concerned people see & hear what they want to, & to hell with facts.
  16. I was just about to start a new thread saying exactly the same thing. Poor old Scotty was really in the wars tonight, but he did us proud in the end & he's one of the riders who is always happy to give an interview. Glad the leg didn't suffer further damage, it was a bit worrying for a while. Chin up Scotty, your time will come. Chin up Loramski (no, I'm not taking the p*ss), you were unlucky. Lee, you were about as useful as an ar*e pocket on a shirt.
  17. Praise the Lord for they have seen the light. So where are all the usual army of Pedersen knockers tonight? Have they all gone to bed with the sulks?
  18. I have to admit, I did have a chuckle listening to him telling Tony Steele he wasn't very nice & he didn't want to be his friend anymore. I can't imagine Jason Grump coming out with something like that.
  19. Bet you wont be so happy when you see a daft muppet walking up your garden path in a black cloak with a scythe in his hand.
  20. I don't object to Sky banging on about it, it's the riders that piddle me off.
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