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Everything posted by arnieg

  1. So can we get back to selecting an Aces team. (assuming Cov run) then a top 4 of Cook Fricke Worrall Worrall seems most likely (although there are other possibilities e.g. Sedgmen, Lawson) Then two of Jacobs (for the home points) Nielsen (popular in 2015) Bewley (but is three leagues too much too soon?) with Payne Smith or Phillips to fill the final spot depending on points available. Then if Cov drop out several of their team become possibilities K Bjerre and Bates on attractive averages, King who likes the track and Garrity (depending on his relationship with the new management)
  2. Very unlikely. The 1964 NL fixture list wasn't released until mid May!!
  3. Well that's cycling out of the Olympics http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/10860674/Sir-Dave-Brailsford-hails-Team-Skys-12000-Jaguar-designed-bike-as-a-game-changer.html and as for bleedin' horse dancing...
  4. And it is not just greyhound stadiums facing the problem of development land prices in the south east. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/jan/10/kempton-park-set-to-be-bulldozed-housing-jockey-club-plans
  5. From 2 October programme: The Great Brits 1 Les Collins 2 Alun Rossiter 3 Kenny McKinna 4 Scott Lamb 5 Michael Coles 6 Phil Jeffrey 7 Charlie McKinna 8 Blank Euro-Roos 1 Steve Regeling 2 Mick Powell 3 Shane Bowes 4 Jan Andersen 5 David Bargh 6 Brett Saunders 7 Darek Fliegert 8 Blank The match was a 15 heat challenge with all riders having 3 programmed rides (heats 1-12) followed by 3 nominated heats
  6. Worth remembering that it is only six years since Lakeside staged NL speedway - the shared 'Hackney' team, featuring Ben Morley and David Mason
  7. Surely the logic is that if a rider is in demand, then signing a rider up before anyone else has to be good business. It is certainly not wise to sign too many riders before the points limit is known though.
  8. Surprisingly not. In 2003 Isle of Wight tracked all three Tressarieu brothers, although never more than two at a time!
  9. Full Polish calender. (Note the DMPJ is the former MDMP [Junior Team Championship - not to be confused with the Junior League] with an as yet unrevealed new format. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/654696/pzm-opublikowal-kalendarz-imprez-zuzlowych-w-2017-roku-sezon-rusza-30-marca
  10. This is what the FOI is for: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-13713798 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/07/when-zombies-attack-bristol-city-council-undead-invasion http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9721072/Britain-is-well-prepared-to-fight-apocalyptic-zombie-invasion.html
  11. Clegg, Branford and Morris can all ride in the NL just like Boxall. It's just that to do so they would have to give up their PL/CL places so that (like Boxall) they are without a higher league team.
  12. The report will contain commercially sensitive information that will enable the council to resist an FOI request. Whether they are justified in doing that is another matter.
  13. The majority of riders in the opening poster's list struggled to average 3 last year. They have generally lost out to other 3 point riders. Isn't that the point of sporting competition. The only way more riders will have NL team places is if there are more tracks. A higher limit (or no limit at all) would jeopardize Buxton and the 'second teams' so that wouldn't help. It looks to me as if the limit is pretty much at the sweet spot (see earlier posting from john leslie). I see very few riders with existing GSAs over 3 missing out.
  14. Somerset are the only team without a rider who rode regularly in the Elitserien last year (assuming Fricke signs for Belle Vue). Furthermore it would rule out Kim Nilsson who has appeared in several posters speculative line-ups. So I think that Tuesday is a non-starter.
  15. I'm thinking of turning this thread into a book! anyone for Gibbon's - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Speedway Empire :D
  16. The marginal cost is quite small though. If they printed more programmes I might go more often. Unless they change their policy I will only go if I can be sure of getting there in good time.
  17. I would have disqualified it on the grounds that to be eligible any programme must be regularly availble prior to the advertised start time and not regularly selling out half an hour before the start because the print run is so ridiculously small.
  18. Can we add best promotion/promoters? And can I nominate Isle if Wight (Martin Widman/Barry Bishop et al).
  19. Could be a good signing (he had an 8 pt average in 2005 as a 17 year old). - but I'm a bit puzzled at the 3.00 average. I would have thought that 3.50 would be the correct figure, as given to Luke Clifton and James Purchase this year.
  20. I'd suggest 1930/31 as the initial novelty wore off Second decline after post-war boom circa 1951 (the year Southampton and Sheffield shut up mid-season) The third and longest began to gather momentum circa 1982/83 (The Sunday People expose in 82 followed by the loss of Leicester, Perry Barr, White City and Crayford at the end of 1983) The first and third coincided with periods of economic depression and the second was exacerbated by post war austerity, notably the entertainment tax.
  21. You havin' a laugh? Stop Joshing me.
  22. Er how about precedent. It is a tried and tested tactic which Poole have used before. Call the first witness, call Mr Miedzinski.
  23. However if the same approach as 2016 is followed, Davey is British as far as the SCB rules are concerned. The requirement is possession of a British passport (which as you point out is not the same as sole British nationality). Cf Jade Mudgway's eligibility to ride in 2016.
  24. I was there and have completed programme. John Grahame was at 4 and Gresham at 5. Heat 8 is a misprint - I have Preston as a T/S. Incidentally Rob Maxfield was the named no 8 for BV. From 'Tears & Glory' "Before the league campaign got under way seriously, Racers experienced cup action with a tough tie against Belle Vue. The first leg is not remembered with any fondness by Reading fans. On a very wet track, with rain continuing to fall and lightning nearby, the referee and home team were determined to complete the match. The tension heightened after a clash between Belle Vue team manager Ian Thomas and Steve Gresham. After a racing incident Thomas approached Gresham on track and received a kick in the testicles! A few races later there was a confrontation between Gresham and his team mate Bobby Schwartz. After ten heats Racers trailed 42-18 and race times were seven seconds outside the track record. John Smith pulled the team out and the Aces rounded off the meeting with three unopposed 5-nils."
  25. And yet people are always suggesting that BSPA should be more proactive in its marketing, so what happens when they set up something to harvest e-mail addresses? People whinge.
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