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Everything posted by arnieg

  1. So does that mean Schlein and Davey get the reduction but Todd Kurtz, Heeps and BWD don't?
  2. I think the decision was made several month a ago, long before any consideration of 2019 race days.
  3. 1) it still does - words are quite capable of having more than one meaning 2) your latest contribution is quite offensive as it is equating homosexuality with paedophillia
  4. So who would be the Croatian wildcard if Pavlic is unavailable for the challenge final?
  5. Ignoring children and assuming a fair chunk of admissions are pensioners that would make break-even attendance of about 900. Factor in extra programme income and that becomes 850 or so, a figure I rarely saw achieved in my travels last season at most CL tracks
  6. They need at least one decent under 21 rider. Both of last season's are now 21 (and they were far from being the strongest under 21 pairing).
  7. I guess they would look for a temporary injury replacement who would be dropped once Dan was fit. There are usually a few Swedish/Danish based riders who might fancy some early season fixtures before continental leagues get going. ( Poole used Kildemand to replace Chris Holder on this basis last season, but it all fell apart when Holder couldn't sort out his work permit)
  8. Planning permission has been granted SUBJECT TO a number of conditions. One of these is the completion of the section 106 agreement. So probably no track work until that has been signed off.
  9. The current view of bends 3/4 from the refs box is very poor, so moving bends 3 & 4 can only improve matters even if the refs box stays in its current position.
  10. And unlike burgers at almost every other track they actually have the taste and consistency of meat. And don't forget there is also lots of choice with hot meals in the bar too. And proper coffee. I tend to avoid speedway catering but this is yet another way in which Warriors put their 'bigger' rivals to shame.
  11. Of course there have never been any complaints about riders not getting paid in the UK?
  12. It is clear that the other clubs owe Chapman for enabling the league to continue and must have given tacit ( if not active) support for the purchases of Ippo and P'boro. But in the absence of a robust framework for the administration of the sport and the lack of checks and balances, it is not surprising that concerns are being expressed. But it is not as if the PL had much integrity to lose.
  13. Think that Buxton must be considering their options after a very trying season and may also be non-starters next season. It will be a real challenge for Kent to have weekly meetings and construct a varied fixture list.
  14. 52 In 2015 the new s106 agreement agreed alongside the new 2015 outline planning permission sought to further safeguard the delivery of the new stadium, amongst other planning considerations and included the following requirements; a) To submit an application for reserved matters approval for the new stadium before the defined "long stop date" and to use their reasonable endeavours to obtain planning consent for the new stadium on or before the new stadium reserved matters planning application long stop date; this was defined as 12 months after completion of the agreement, namely before April 2016. b) That the applicant use "their reasonable endeavours to ensure and/or procure Practical Completion of the New Stadium" on or before the defined stadium construction "long stop date", defined as 18 months after the completion of the agreement in April 2015, namely before October 2017. c) Not to occupy any additional residential units constructed on land identifie d within the agreement (described as the "restricted zone" that is occupied by the existing stadium) until the practical completion of the New Stadium. d) To make provision for a site for the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (now the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service) for a new fire station north. 53 As described above at paragraph 15 above, although an application for reserved matters approval for the new stadium was approved in August 2016, the works to carry out the development did get underway and the new stadium was not completed in accordance with the agreed "long stop date" of October 2017. The Borough Solicitor formally notified the applicant and other parties with an interest in the land, that the failure to provide the open space andto complete the new stadium was in breach of the s106 agreement.
  15. Para 54: a) No additional housing is to be developed until the new stadium is operational and substantially complete. (Definition of operational and substantial completion to be agreed.) And given that the applicants have ignored all previous section 106 agreements who could imagine that there will be any problems agreeing these definitions?
  16. An inaccurate comment from the club. Planning permission has been granted SUBJECT TO THE SIGNING OF A SECTION 106 AGREEMENT. And as para 55 of the report states "the matters raised are complex and difficult to resolve" and this planning application does not resolve them. Given the history of this application and the applicants previous (in)actions it would be unwise to assume that this will be resolved in short order.
  17. "Subject to section 106 agreement" It's not all over yet.
  18. NO. In very rare circumstances permission is tied to the applicant ( e.g. an alteration to a domestic residence to accommodate a person's disabilities), but it generally relates to the site. Sometimes permission is originally given for a trial period ( as happened at Sittingbourne) but this will be followed by a permanent use application at the end of a trial period.
  19. Surely Shielfield already has planning consent for speedway. If so why would it need future planning permission.
  20. Some interesting stats here: http://www.european-football-statistics.co.uk/attn/avepol.htm For example Torun is over 100km from it's nearest ekstraliga team (Plock) [ditto Gorzow and Szczecin]
  21. As Mildenhall speedway must be a fully taxable VAT registered business all the input VAT on the rent would be fully recoverable so not a cost to Mildenhall speedway. So he rent has stayed the same.
  22. Yes. Third in AMA National championship. (He would have finished second had he not missed a round). Note visa rules may change following Brexit, but that is unlikely to have any impact before 2020.
  23. That is a great turn of phrase and an accurate description of where we are.
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