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arnieg last won the day on October 14

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About arnieg

  • Birthday 04/18/1960

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    speedway, speedway and more speedway

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  1. Smoli's form dropped thru the floor last season. I would advise against.
  2. And if Worky went NDL who would they sign? Most of the northern based riders will be committed to Edinburgh, Belle Vue, M'brough and Scunfield. How many southern based riders of a reasonable standard could they persuade to travel all the way to Workington.
  3. Spooner should be 5.07, he only did 2 matches this year.
  4. It isn't (Cardiff according to google). And even if it had twice as much rain as (say) Leicester or King's Lynn I'd still rate their chances of getting a meeting on as better than almost anywhere else.
  5. Neither. It's 'has been a GP rider for at least two years' Not complate years, so I would take the view that once he has ridden in the first GP of 2025 he has been a GP rider in 2024 and 2025.
  6. I'd be more worried if he wore his condoms like a hat 😝
  7. Having watched a considerable amount ov youth racing I'd rate Rushen higher than Vale and Springer, both of whom averaged in the region of six in their debut season.
  8. Injured last April, don't think he's ridden since
  9. He didn't. Think the closest comparator is Troy Batchelor. Both ex GP, both clearly on the slide, both no longer attracting interest in Poland, but both still able to do a job in Championship. I think 8.5 is probably a pretty fair reflection of his likely scoring.
  10. I doubt you saw Boyce as a 16 year old, I think he was 20 when he arrived at Poole.
  11. My long campaign to persuade a member of the SCB that linear regression should be used never really gained much momentum. 🫢
  12. Surely the "temporary two pointer's" objective will be to out perform other two pointers, leaving the likely outcome that he will replace one of them. [Wood, Perry, Hodder and Spencer could be vulnerable]
  13. That's a rewriting of history. There was considerable doubt about the wisdom of running three teams this time last year. However I am disappointed that with more time to plan there is not greater commonality between the teams. As for the team manager sometimes a discrete silence is the best response.
  14. But with 42 slots in the NDL and only 30 in the 'NDL lite' there will be plenty of possibilities, including heat leaders because of the low points limit
  15. Averages rule out 1 & 3. I could live with Razzer though, and Loktaev would certainly be interesting.
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