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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. Ok so just to be cynical here. What if he did it on purpose because he was fully expecting to win the title last night? Then every photo on the Polish websites and newspapers would show him with his sponsor displayed front and centre. And from an FIM point of view of the only punishment was financial - even say they increased it to €10,000. Then what would stop the sponsor paying the fine for him - because that kind of exposure would be well worth the money to them…
  2. Who was the wrestler? I couldn't make out his name when Roy was saying it?
  3. George English spoke on the microphone at tonight's home meeting. He was adamant that we will not be riding this coming Friday as Richie has committed to ride for Kings Lynn and he is not prepared to ride this match without Richie there. (He also seemed to suggest that the meeting should not have been called off when it was - and that it possibly could have been run)
  4. Yes, Tully did not move a muscle before the tapes went up, either time, but just made two perfect starts. But it seems to be a common theme this year and its happening time and time again. The other thing that I found odd and potentially dangerous was Alex Edberg crawling around at the back. In all three of his races he failed to finish but kept moving, very very slowly around the track. In the second of his races he was on the track in the middle of the third and fourth bends when the other three riders lapped him. Surely riders have to get off the track if they are moving slowly and everyone else is still racing? I understand the theory of keeping going while there is a slim chance of picking up a point, but once it becomes clear you will be lapped you have to get off the track!
  5. That's not legally correct. To commit an assault you don't have to physically hit someone. You just have to make them genuinely believe there is an imminent harmful or offensive contact. At common law, an assault is an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. The term is often confused with battery, which involves physical contact. Therefore the situation as described does seem to be an assault. But not battery.
  6. Yes I've just read the tweet again and edited my post. Maybe wishful thinking when I read it the first time!
  7. Surely the meeting referee wouldn't have jurisdiction over him in a meeting he wasn't riding in?
  8. What on earth happened? Lewis Kerr just tweeted that ' Hope Lewis Rose is ok, whatever happened not acceptable to head but a 15 year old. For the record we were not allowed near Lewi Rose on track'
  9. Anton's laps were really the highlight of a very very dull meeting last night. I've never said this before but I wished I'd stayed home rather than going to the speedway.
  10. Total waste of money going to watch this. No entertainment at all. I was praying for cook or auty to miss the gate just so there would be some passing. I was excited when they announced a test match at brough but having paid for last night I wouldn't bother going another time. It was really only the Aussie reserves that seemed to be trying. I expected more from Doolan and Summers at least.
  11. It's not the first time Glasgow have made an official announcement that they probably shouldn't have. Anyone remember a certain court case last year where one of the defendants was supposed to be anonymous yet the Glasgow press release gave away exactly who it was (without directly naming him).
  12. If we were all watching last nights world cup 'live' on sky how did Greg Hancock post the result on twitter 30 minutes before sky showed the last heat?
  13. Any idea if he is a Plymouth asset or not?
  14. I don't think Nicki was gesturing at Zetterstrom - I think he was just pulling at his tear-offs because he got a face full of dirt!
  15. To be fair he's only number 1 at Workington because the top 5 all have similar averages in the 6's. It's not like he has a 9 or 10 point average. With the same average in most other teams he'd be nowhere near number 1
  16. i've got virgin media - red button doesn't do anything on sky sports
  17. I'm planning to watch this meeting on sky. However, according the listings it is on sky 1 for an hour from 6pm but then the cricket starts. Does anyone know if the rest of this meeting will be shown live and if so on which channel?
  18. Glad to see Kenneth do so well in a Grand Prix. Hopefully it's the start of many final appearances for him.
  19. She made a couple of mistakes - like saying to Rico after his 6 point joker win "that's 3 more points for the team" before having to correct herself. However, everyone makes mistakes - especially on live tv. Pearson and Tatum make mistakes all the time - and they don't have the excuse of being new to the sport. Also when you have to interview almost every race winner in a 25 heat meeting it must be difficult to come up with a couple of new questions for each one, and for all of them to sound highly intelligent and knowledgeable.
  20. As a Newcastle fan who has seen most of the Danish squad come over to this country to ride for us (although admittedly only Bjerre was riding tonight) I normally find myself cheering for Denmark in the World Cup. However, tonight I was more than proud to support team GB. I felt the team spirit was excellent - especially the way they all rallied round Lewis after he touched the tapes. Richardson and Harris did a brilliant job in the pits and on the track. And all the team were riding their hearts out . I feel Lyons made the right choice for tonight and to come so close to the final is heartbreaking - but at the same time encoraging for the future. Hopefully next year we'll get a step further!
  21. And they are the riders who won't make it as world champion. Nicki wasn't unfair or dirty - he was just commited to trying to win the race. Totally agree that there should be reserves or the other riders should be able to take Nicki's ride.Seems ridiculous that the Russian was excluded yet Denmark weren't given a chance to score in the re-run.
  22. I was very impressed by the juniors - and pleasantly surprised to see some times within 2 seconds of some of those in the premier league match!
  23. BSPA conference was actually held in london this year If you scrap the guest rule what do you do if two or more riders in one team are injured? I do think there should be a limit on how long guests can be used to cover for an injured rider. So for long-term injuries teams would have to replace the rider rather than use a guest for months (e.g. stoke)
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