every speedway fan in workington... get down to derwent park either 10am thurs. and definatly on saturday to support keith and our team. This year as been difficult for the management the fans and the riders. rain offs. injuries. have all taken there toll. the fans often feel let down by the lack of riders wanting . and not wanting to ride for us . for what ever the reasons, keith and jacko have tried hard to fill the gaps, but we all want to see a seven man team. i hear keith as banned people from the stadium. and fans are not happy about it. To be fair to him i have read some statements made at the management on the internet and i wouldnt like to be addressed to like that by anyone .
keith is the owner of workington comets. speedway. and he also is one of us a big speedwy fan. He deserves a lot of praise for the effort . money. and time ,he and his team put into it. He has put to gether in my opinion proberly the finest comets one to seven we could all have wished for. Yes things have gone wrong. but he has tried hard to sort it.
so now its our time to sort it out for him and get down to derwent park and get behind him and the team.
and show him there is a big future in workington for the comets.