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Everything posted by HenryW

  1. I bet BSI would be right P'd off if the three Brits got through!! Here's hoping PePe can do it all over again....I'm sure he'll be a star in the GP next year
  2. And my ability to hit the grass has to be seen to be believed as well
  3. Indeed, what IS in a name...The track in the game is actually Shiefield, unless my version is different
  4. I figured that it might be better to start racing against some Brits that didn't have much experience, or wait a few weeks/months with regular practice before I took on the Poles What sort of lap times are those guys doing on the various tracks?
  5. Have you tried the downloads from WinAce.com? last time I checked, which was a while ago, the downloadable version allowed for a 30 day trial period. That just sounds like you need to download WinAce as well... mikowhy - Do you have any instructions for creating new tracks, or links to download other tracks? Racing the Polish circuits is good, but I'd prefer the more technical UK tracks
  6. How good is the network play feature? It looks like it could be quite good fun to race against some others
  7. Although Theo Pijper is listed in the scorers for this meeting, according to the Monarchs Chatzone he spent the weekend in Edinburgh... Anyone know who actually took those two rides?
  8. You mean...pin yourself right on the white line (but not over it) and don't even think of moving away from it?? From what I saw, the worst offender for not noticing that seemed to be Nicki....
  9. Yeah, but dropping back down to the Premier League with Kings Lynn in 2007 seems a bit too soon for him.
  10. Totally agree. Scott takes a load of criticism on here for not wanting it enough, yet when he forces his way past an opponent he is castigated for his efforts.
  11. I realise that you have lost your own team, but to become a Coventry fan...shame on you!!! Still, better than a Wolves fan, I suppose
  12. chose If that's the way you read the situation then fair enough. It seems rather sad that you suggest a complete impartiality of one of the best referees in the world... The way that I saw it, Scotty hit Matej going down the straight as Matej took a very slow and unusual line. I think Matej could easily have held on to the bike, but chose to lay it down. I guess I must be wrong because all the experts disagreed with me, but that's the way I saw it. What did you make of Crump's move on Bjarne in the other semi??
  13. Funny, I thought Tony got both of those decisions right. Nicki held his line in the race with NKI and Iversen tried to go where Nicki already was. To exclude Nicki for just holding his line would have been very ahrsh in such a situation. As for the Scotty/Zagar incident...as I said on the other thread, Zagar got a relatively small hit on the straight and bailed out. If he can't hold on to the bike in such a situation he shouldn't be in the GP. Bjarne took much worse in the other semi final and still stayed on his bike! The one decision I thought Tony got wrong was the race to the line between Nicki and Bjarne...
  14. Totally disagree. I'm a big fan of Zagar, but he got a relatively small bump going down the straight...If he can't handle that then he doesn't deserve to be in a GP final. Several riders took much worse hits on the straight during the meeting and didn't flop to the floor, the worst of them probably being Bjarne in the other semi final. I have to say that the track really didn't deliver the goods tonight. Pinning yourself to the white line seemed to be the only way to go for most of the night!
  15. Seems a bit harsh on your boys there! Wroclaw have been pretty impressive this year and even if they are better than you, it surely doesn't mean you can't be second best! Have Czestochowa and Rzeszow not both lost at home to Wroclaw this season? Do they not deserve to be in the top 4 either?
  16. Looks a tough one for Polonia. Do you think that they can do it, Matt? I guess the fitness of both PePe and Jason could be key to this result...
  17. I don't disagree that Middlo has limited resources, but to suggest that the Poles had more to choose from is a little unfair. Considering who the Polish manager actually had to choose from, I think that the two nations were fairly equal....possibly even things were in Middlos favour....The Poles used two riders who were clearly unfit in the race-off, which probably backs up this argument... What is clear is that on a track like Reading, the Brits and the Poles were always fighting a losing battle....
  18. Maybe one year Britain will host the World Cup and hold the final at a track that works for our boys? Who didn't bet on the Danes as soon as the Final was announced as being held at Reading? We need to look at the way the Poles worked things last year and learn some lessons....
  19. It wasn't about the win, but it was about a medal for the nation. It wasn't between 2nd and 3rd, it was about 2nd and nothing. Maybe aussies really are win or nothing, but if I was Trav, I'd be pretty p***** off that Jason threw away my FIM silver medal in an attempt to get himself some personal glory...
  20. The problem here is that Jason forgot he was racing for a TEAM (or even NATION) and NOT for himself. He chose his personal glory ahead of the glory of his entire nation. Would you be happy if he was in second but winning the league for the Aces then decided to go for a personal Max and lost the title for the team??? I think he made a wrong choice there.
  21. Not seen anything mentioned on here yet about the Polish Semi Final results, so thought I would post the following, courtesy of sportowefakty.pl : Rawicz 1. Jarosław Hampel - 13 (1,3,3,3,3) 2. Sebastian Ułamek - 13 (2,2,3,3,3) 3. Piotr Protasiewicz - 10 (3,3,2,2,0) 4. Krzysztof Jabłoński - 10 (3,2,1,2,2) 5. Jacek Gollob - 9 (0,3,2,1,3) 6. Adrian Miedziński - 9 (3,1,3,1,1) 7. Zbigniew Suchecki - 9 (2,2,1,3,1) 8. Janusz Kołodziej - 9 (1,3,2,2,1) ------------------------------------- 9. Rafał Dobrucki - 7+3 (2,1,1,1,2) ------------------------------------- 10. Jacek Krzyżaniak - 7+2 (3,0,1,1,2) 11. Karol Ząbik - 7+t (0,0,3,2,2) 12. Sławomir Drabik - 6 (1,2,0,0,3) 13. Andrzej Huszcza - 5 (2,1,2,0,0) 14. Mariusz Węgrzyk - 4 (0,0,0,3,1) 15. Zbigniew Czerwiński - 1 (1,0,0,0,0) 16. Robert Sawina - 1 (d,1,0,0,0) 1. Krzyżaniak, Dobrucki, Drabik, Węgrzyk 2. Miedziński, Suchecki, Kołodziej, Ząbik 3. Protasiewicz, Ułamek, Czerwiński, Sawina (d) 4. Jabłoński, Huszcza, Hampel, Gollob 5. Hampel, Ułamek, Miedziński, Krzyżaniak 6. Protasiewicz, Jabłoński, Dobrucki, Ząbik 7. Gollob, Suchecki, Sawina, Węgrzyk 8. Kołodziej, Drabik, Huszcza, Czerwiński 9. Ząbik, Huszcza, Krzyżaniak, Sawina 10. Miedziński, Gollob, Dobrucki, Czerwiński 11. Ułamek, Kołodziej, Jabłoński, Węgrzyk 12. Hampel, Protasiewicz, Suchecki, Drabik 13. Suchecki, Jabłoński, Krzyżaniak, Czerwiński 14. Hampel, Kołodziej, Dobrucki, Sawina 15. Węgrzyk, Protasiewicz, Miedziński, Huszcza 16. Ułamek, Ząbik, Gollob, Drabik 17. Gollob, Krzyżaniak, Kołodziej, Protasiewicz 18. Ułamek, Dobrucki, Suchecki, Huszcza 19. Hampel, Ząbik, Węgrzyk, Czerwiński 20. Drabik, Jabłoński, Miedziński, Sawina 21. Dobrucki, Krzyżaniak, Ząbik (t) Lublin 1. Wiesław Jaguś - 12 (3,3,3,3,-) 2. Damian Baliński - 12 (2,3,1,3,3) 3. Adam Skórnicki - 11 (3,3,2,1,2) 4. Krzysztof Słaboń - 10 (0,3,3,1,3) 5. Tomasz Gollob - 10 (1,2,1,3,3) 6. Tomasz Chrzanowski - 10 (2,2,3,2,1) 7. Tomasz Jędrzejak - 9 (2,1,1,3,2) 8. Jacek Rempała - 8+3 (3,1,3,0,1) ---------------------------------- 9. Krzysztof Buczkowski - 8+2 (1,1,2,2,2) ---------------------------------- 10. Robert Kościecha - 8+1 (0,1,2,2,3) 11. Marcin Rempała - 7 (2,0,1,2,2) 12. Piotr Paluch - 5 (3,2,w,0,0) 13. Maciej Kuciapa - 4 (1,d,2,1,d) 14. Artur Pietrzyk - 3 (0,2,d,1,d) 15. Robert Wardzała - 2 (1,0,0,d,1) 16. Mateusz Szczepaniak (R1) - 1 (1) 17. Ronnie Jamroży - 0 (0,0,0,0,w) 1. J.Rempała, M.Rempała, Buczkowski, Kościecha 2. Skórnicki, Baliński, Gollob, Słaboń 3. Jaguś, Jędrzejak, Kuciapa, Pietrzyk 4. Paluch, Chrzanowski, Wardzała, Jamroży 5. Baliński, Chrzanowski, Jędrzejak, M.Rempała 6. Skórnicki, Pietrzyk, J.Rempała, Jamroży 7. Jaguś, Gollob, Kościecha, Wardzała 8. Słaboń, Paluch, Buczkowski, Kuciapa (d) 9. Jaguś, Skórnicki, M.Rempała, Paluch (w) 10. J.Rempała, Kuciapa, Baliński, Wardzała 11. Słaboń, Kościecha, Jędrzejak, Jamroży 12. Chrzanowski, Buczkowski, Gollob, Pietrzyk (d) 13. Gollob, M.Rempała, Kuciapa, Jamroży 14. Jaguś, Chrzanowski, Słaboń, J.Rempała 15. Baliński, Kościecha, Pietrzyk, Paluch 16. Jędrzejak, Buczkowski, Skórnicki, Wardzała (d) 17. Słaboń, M.Rempała, Wardzała, Pietrzyk 18. Gollob, Jędrzejak, J.Rempała, Paluch 19. Kościecha, Skórnicki, Chrzanowski, Kuciapa (d) 20. Baliński, Buczkowski, Szczepaniak, Jamroży (w) 21. J.Rempała, Buczkowski, Kościecha
  22. I could be wrong, but I think that this is the first time a British rider has raced in the Russian League, although not the first time a Brit has raced for a Russian team. Lee Richardsson certainly raced for Togliatti in the Champions Cup Final last season and scored 19 points out of 20 as they demolished the opposition.
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