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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. Is that in Cabot Lane? If so, its about 2 miles from the track - pretty easy to get to though.
  2. Thought that sounded familiar...noticed it this morning on my way to work. Makes a change I'm usually on autopilot at that time of the day The Burleigh is all of 200 yards away from the stadium entrance so you won't have far to stumble back. Remind me closer to the time and I'll point you in the direction of some good watering holes and eating places in town!
  3. It's the damn yachties...just can't hold their drink that lot!
  4. Only 'cos I knew they definitely had a vacant room and the security there was good. I mean you where else would you have had two coppers standing outside during your stay! I guess they'd have got rid of the bloodstains so I can't understand what you and Charles were worried about! Plus it was right next to the stadium - no helping some people.... By the way Happy New Year Jay !!
  5. Try Poole Tourism - they've got a complete list of accomodation. Being August, it's going to be pretty busy with tourists without the added SWC so hope you manage to find somewhere. There's a Holiday Inn Express and Thistle Hotel in the middle of Poole if you're after one of the bigger hotel names. Or try the Arndale Court which is opposite the entrance to the stadium and supposed to be quite good. If you want somewhere close to the beaches try the Sandbanks Hotel which is pretty big although it's about 3 miles from the stadium. Good luck!
  6. You sure you're not an Estate Agent Kev?
  7. I was wondering that....say a rider is at a club he doesn't really want to be at, but had to join or not have a place. He has some dire meetings and very conveniently drops to the next band below. All of a sudden he becomes very attractive to his old club again who didnt want to get rid of him in the first place and had to make do with a rider at the bottom of that band. What happens then?
  8. I think the penny has started to drop over the last day or so. It looks like anyone from your second heat leader down is going to be under an 8 point average. The band A riders must be laughing their heads off - lots of high scores and maximums for them since they'll not have as much competition in their rides. Expect quite a few more 10+ averaged riders by the end of the season. I'm all for freeing riders up for the new teams but this seems to be more far-reaching than that. And I don't think the majority of fans realise just how hard some teams and riders are going to be hit by this. Forget the new joker rule, this bothers me a lot more! Somehow the 'Elite' league isn't looking quite so elite anymore!! And if teams decide to put up prices with what I think we're going to be offered next year I've got a few early suggestions on what they can do with it! BTW, does anyone know what Ian Thomas is on about on the BSPA site today where he says 'Now there is more flexibility with the riding order it might just alter our way of thinking' - where has this come from? I don't remember seeing anything about riding orders - or is this another little surprise they've got up their sleeves.....
  9. I can live with that Star Lady. If I do hate it I'll be more than happy to come on here and publicly say so and if people want to gloat then whatever makes them happy. I've never been one who's afraid to admit I was wrong. Of course being a woman it doesn't happen that often...
  10. Nothing to do with wanting it introduced, just nothing against it being introduced - subtle difference and the reason 'people like me and Lanzilla' are probably saying we'll give it a go. It's still a chance for teams to get back on terms however it's dressed up. If my team's down and has a chance to get back in it I'm not bothered if it's a Golden Double, Joker or Middlo doing a nudey lap round Wimborne Rd on a bike - as long as the racing is good and the entertainment is there it frankly doesnt bother me. I think it's a fairer system to have riders try this in programmed rides rather than shove out a number one rider over a reserve in a heat over and above the scheduled rides who 9 times out of 10 has no chance. They've still got to win the race and besides we've had the GD for a while now and we're quite used to seeing that now and then with its double points. Ok so the PL have given it a go. We established you didn't like it. I respect that and taken it onboard and maybe at the end of the day we won't like it either. But then again maybe we will.... But I'll make my own mind up when I've seen it in action (call me daft but I like to see things for myself before forming opinions - maybe its a female thing). I've said my piece..I'm not against it. The End. Not quite sure where I'm slagging you off though 'mate'!!!
  11. And I've got a problem with comments like that!!! So what if people are saying they don't mind this new ruling - it's their opinion and I'm standing in the 'give it a go' court too. You got a problem with me also? You've made it quite clear in numerous posts today what your thoughts are on this but don't have a go at those of us for having differing views. Its nothing to do with disregarding what you have to say (you've left us in no doubt) but I think we're all big enough and ugly enough to make our own minds up on this without being told what to think thanks! You carry on your campaign to get it thrown out but leave those of us who are happy to wait and see how it works for ourselves to have our say! Just because it wasn't to you liking doesn't mean we all have to roll over and agree with you!
  12. Thanks AoC for the clarification. As far as I can see its swings and roundabouts - riders will still have to go out and win their races to get the points on offer. Looks like I'm just going to be one of the 10% who don't have a problem with this new rule....
  13. I can see the arguments about covering when a team has a few riders out, we suffered as much as most this year in the middle of the season. But...if a team has a rider out with a longer-term injury I wonder whether the new gradings will make it easier for short-term replacements to be signed instead of relying on r/r. I know for fact that teams would often stick with guests and r/r because if they bring in a rider and the averages change, the original rider maybe can't get back into the team when fit again. Perhaps the gradings will help eradicate this problem - almost squads by a different name? If in place this year it may have meant we could have drafted in someone like Magnus to cover for say Bjarne when he was out injured without worrying about their averages (as long as they stayed within the grade bandings) instead of drifting along with r/r for 5 or 6 weeks. Additionally by having to use r/r and not guests, we'll get rid of rider x suddenly getting 'injured' or aggravating an injury in Sweden or Poland the day before they're due at a track they don't go so well at and lo and behold a guest is brought in who does better round that track... A tentative thumbs up to this change - anything has to be more credible than guests!
  14. AoC's point just proves that we need more information on this - he's viewing it a completely different way to how I am. Are the nominated riders only allowed to go for double in their programmed rides or can they come in to replace another rider in the style of the old tactical and go for double points? I'm seen plenty of people spouting off on this rule but no-one seems to have the answer to this pretty important factor or is everyone so blindly against it they don't care what the finer points are??? If they'll be used in the same way as a tactical now (for example a heat leader coming in in ht 14 to replace a 2nd string etc) then I agree it seems ludicrous if they can get double points. But, if that same heat leader is nominated to ride in heat 13 as per his programmed ride and his team is 8 points behind, he still has to go out and win that heat over his other 3 heat leader opponents to get the maximum advantage. If this applies, I've no real problem with it replacing the old style t/s.
  15. So if the riders are nominated at the start of the meeting, do the rides have to be their programmed rides? We're not talking replacing riders in heat 14 with a top gun or something? I'm just trying to get exactly how this will work before making my mind up - if it is programmed rides then why not? You still have to be 8 points down and the rider still has to go out and win their programmed race to make the maximum benefit. Can't see what the fuss is about...think it will just make team managers work harder and we'll see more tactics. TS's are fine but have always benefitted top heavy teams, I'll willing to give anything a shot if it will make for more exciting meetings - being able to bring out a top heat leader over a lesser rider in heat 14 when a teams worked hard to get a decent lead always seemed unfair anyway, especially when a good top 2 will be out in the next race. Just my opinion before I'm branded a heretic.
  16. Think you'll find that firstly it's just as cheap to go overseas to hold it than it is to book a UK hotel! Secondly being abroad makes it easier for the conference to be the number 1 priority rather than interruptions from home which intrude (whether business or speedway). Also the fact that being out of the country makes it harder for certain promoters to storm out of the conference and return home might have something to do with it....
  17. Well done Greg - winning the final GP yet again. How he must wish it was the 1st of the season! Congratulations to Bjarne P too - where the hell did he pluck that performance from :?: More of the same tomorrow Barney please
  18. Oh dear Gem...you'll be in trouble now! I'm still hoping for a Tricky win and a complete mare for Crump and Pedersen. Hell - I'll even take Adams winning the damn thing over either of the other two protagonists! :twisted: So if i'm online at about 8pm tomorrow night you'll know that I've not been able to stand it any more and have had to leave the room! Predictions - Tricky 1st, Adams 2nd, Gollob 3rd, Hancock 4th (she says hopefully) :roll: Good luck to Lars as well - he probably won't do much, but he's a lovely bloke and it'll be nice to see him in this one now he's missing from the UK scene.
  19. You'd have to pay me that amount to wear that thing!
  20. Lmao..that's made my day that one! Definitely one to show his grandchildren in years to come I don't think! :twisted:
  21. That's excellent news if it proves to be correct Jo - One Night In Paris (Is Like A Year In Any Other Town). Too right - that would be wicked to get a GP in Paris. I'd definitely be up for that one if it did happen. Probably as easy to get to as Cardiff!
  22. Jeez what a choice! :? It has to be Nicki now...I have already told the better half that if Crump wins it in Hamar I will have to leave the room. Great rider admittedly but I really really really do not like him and the thought of him as World Champion - noooooooo! :roll: Hell I was even cheering on Leigh Adams to win last night once Trick had gone out cos I didn't want either of those two to win it! And that is desperate measures! ;-)
  23. Quite professionally done there by Hans. I'd give him a full 5.9 for style and execution! Bet the director was sooo pleased he'd decided to leave the camera on Hans at that point! Or as in Nicki's case, wipe down your kevlars with an oily old rag, blow your nose in it and then proceed to carry on wiping your face with it.... :twisted:
  24. Yeah loved that..where are these things to advertise the sport inbetween programmes on Sky? As for the meeting, well done to Crumpy. I don't like the guy particularly but he's definitely hitting form at the moment and looked a class above. Fair play, he's got the determination and the engines - all he needs is the luck. Thought Holta was lucky to stay in after that Andersen/Jonsoon crash. And Adams didn't think too much of Nicki P's tactics in that race to the line judging by his body languauge after that race. Other than that a far better GP than a lot recently and the title chase looks brilliant going into the last rounds.
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