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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. Kev's right - look at how long they kept on with the Boycie/Gollob incident. For the neutral it makes for great TV with some sort of ongoing feud - we might not like it but for Sky who are trying to attract viewers it's another angle to hype the event.
  2. Brilliant performance by both guys who looked on the pace and not at all in awe of who they were up against all evening. Didn't expect either to do quite so well...the future for Denmark looks very good - unfortunately for us!
  3. Just hope then that they've got the traffic arrangements sorted this time! With the working population of Poole attempting to get out of the town centre on the Thursday between 5 and 6 and the speedway crowd coming in, it could end up gridlocked like it was for the play-offs last year. That was chaos and I'm already thinking I might might a swift exit out of the office that afternoon so I don't get caught up in it !
  4. Good point Rob! Shouldn't worry Snob - think the Tourism people will be promoting it pretty well nearer the time. I don't know if you're in Poole but they had a huge banner advertising the World Cup on the side of the Civic Centre for about two months. You couldn't miss it! And knowing the relationship that Poole have with the local press I reckon it will get a hell of a lot of coverage on local TV etc.
  5. Same view as everyone else - going to stay at home and watch on TV at the moment. Prices are far too high - shame really cos I wouldn't have minded.
  6. Yep that's definitely Mark...funny how he suddenly seems to look so young though.
  7. Good to hear that B2BM - might finally get to meet you! Really hoping that the weather on Saturday is as good as last year's GP day. Standing at Sam's bar in great company supping a Bud or three was a great way to kick off the day!
  8. Somerset on the Friday night for me (hope to see some Glasgow forum members there again this year), followed by the customary trip to Sam's Bar and the PoW on the Saturday before the GP. Can't wait - should be a great weekend!
  9. Way to go Bjarne!!! Great result and I am sooo pleased for him. The top standings in the GP have a new look to them for sure and it's great to see some new faces up there. Great result for Jarek and special mention to Grzegorz. Always one of my favourite riders - and after that horrendous crash a couple of years ago, brilliant to see him look so good.
  10. I thought the cable companies had now added Sky Sports Extra. Are you definitely, 100%, bet your life on it sure that it's not snuck in there somewhere?
  11. Reckon the Prince of Wales sounds as good as any. At least I know where that is... If it's half as good as last year then we should be in for a great day. With the forum even bigger now than it was this time last year we should get a great turn out of forum peeps.
  12. Nice to see Andrew Silver remembered. He was one of those riders you loved to hate as an opposition rider - kind of like an early version on Nicki P and one of my favourites from the early 90s. Hard as nails but always looked forward to watching him as an opposition rider beacuse you never knew what was going to happen. Remember some right goings on when we visited Arlington and some races involving our Tom Knudsen (not the Bees one) and then Boycie with first Tom ending up under the fence and then Silver a couple of races later. Shame he left the sport when he did - definitely one of the characters. Good to hear he's still kind of still in contact with the sport through Rye House
  13. Think that's a fair idea although I'd probably put Norris in there instead of Screenie. He seems like a totally different rider so far this year - I still wonder what might have been if he'd been this determined and focussed about 5 years ago. But on the other hand I've not seen Joe ride so far this season although he seems to have had a resurgence of form similar to Floppy. Danny Bird - I'd go along with that, probably a close call between him and Chris Neath at the moment.
  14. Spot on comments - probably one of the best GPs I've seen on a temporary track. If they can do the same at Cardiff...I live in hope. On the Nicki comment's I have to say that we were killing ourselves laughing when he was there wiping his pits and then his face. One of those classic 'ewwww' and 'I can't believe he just did that' moments I think. It seems people are a little tetchy and over-protective on any comments about Nicki - this is a guy who provokes reaction, that's a good thing, there are not enough characters in the sport and Nicki is definitely one of them - no-one comes close to getting as many forum mentions as this guy (well apart from SteveShovlar maybe )! On this occasion it was just he was a bit unfortunate on having the camera focus on his various antics through out the evening... Roll on the next one!
  15. Sorry you feel that way Steve... For what it's worth we here in the burrow thought Tony was lucky to get back in the first time. The second was more admittedly difficult to call and depended on which angle you saw it from. On any other track who knows what the decisions would have been. Congrats to Leigh anyway - great start to the season for the guy. Crumpy seemed down on power - after his performance on Weds at Poole I'd have put money on him blitzing the whole field tonight. Great to see Lee R and Loramski looking so fired up and geeting so far in the meeting. Just hope Mr Sullivan improves somewhat in his league racing...
  16. Nice one Bjarne! Finally he's starting to show the form we hoped he would last year.
  17. Think I heard that they're due to go on sale in May.
  18. Looks more like Mark Curry who used to be on Blue Peter...
  19. Thanks GSF...used to go to Inzell quite a bit a few years back. Great place to watch the ice speedway. Good to see a few familiar faces still racing.
  20. Prince of Wales before the meeting sirmatty..usual forum meet-up. Copious amounts of alchohol, dodgy photos and a great laugh!
  21. Holiday Inn - North still had rooms last week when I booked mine, they are rather pricey though at £115.00 per night - plus breakfast!!!!! If it's anything like the brekkie at the Holiday Inn Express take my advice and go to Starbucks for a Caramel Macchiata and a piece of stodgy cake instead!
  22. Would you want the dolphin fried or grilled? As for a tank, well there's an army camp about 15 miles away, not sure how much the on the road price is for a Chieftain or Challenger nowadays...
  23. Nice one Sue! The Holiday Inn is right in the middle of town, about a 5 min walk from the stadium. There's a swimming pool next door and Poole Park and quay are both within 5 mins as well. So I'd suggest you sent the kids and hubby that-a-way and you head the other direction to the Dolphin Centre for some retail therapy!
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