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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. Nice thought Iris but slight problem with lack of finances after Cardiff and some other trips! Andy - you must have been reading my mind. Venue has everything to do with who will win. Think the Poles have to be favourites on a bigger track although I still expect Toninho and Bjerre to be up there challenging if not winning it. Should be a cracking meeting with at least 4 or 5 in there capable of making a serious challenge. Could be a few spoilers in there as well.
  2. Apologies for being dense, but where is this years final being held?
  3. From memory this GP favours the power merchants. Can't see past TRicky, Crump and maybe Jonsson or Nicki P. Just hope the weather forecasts prove to be wrong...it'll ruin my Saturday night vibe if I have to find something else to do. Would like Anton to carry on his great form so far in the GPs, but after Wednesday's crash not sure how much the knock he took will have affected him.
  4. Just thinking the same thing Subedei. Think the British authorities could take a leaf out of the Poles book here in dealing with incidents. Impressed with the severity and speed of things - might make a few riders over here think twice about a few things if they were going to get hit like that.
  5. Well can you put the link here for the rest of us? Please...
  6. Hello? Am I being singled out here? I did make the connection even though I'm a Poole fan. Just maybe not immediately at the time you registered.
  7. Personally I thought Nicki should have shut off or at least tried to cut back - he must have known Greg was going to move out. Now where have I heard that before... Eastie sorry to burst your anti-Poole bubble but I thought Hancock was lucky to get back into the rerun on that one. Thought Crumpy's move on Hampel was worse - would have been an interesting call if Jarek had gone down.
  8. Have to admit initially I did think both wheels crossed the line, so watched pretty closely in the replay. I came to the same conclusion as Subedei that the front wheel was right over, but the back wheel hit the kerb and got pushed away rather than going right over it. Very close call though.
  9. Haha! Makes 3 of us! Anyone would think we were worried about Sully's injury or something... Bjarne's riding so that answers my second question about whether he'd recovered from his Brit GP leg injuries. You're doing a fine job Subedei...but do you not like the sunshine or something? Far too nice to be spending anything more than a few minutes indoors surely?
  10. Cheers Tomaz! Good to see Anton strutting his stuff again.
  11. Sorry for being dense here, but it's late and being female I'm allowed at least one dodgy moment a week, but how many qualify from this meeting? Congrats to Toninho and great to see a couple of Brits getting through to the Final. :
  12. Flippin' heck! Ditto here Tarabanko - we need KK at Coventry on Monday! Panic set in for a second there reading about that crash! With rumours doing the rounds of Sully maybe not being back to fitness, and Bjarne suffering bad bruising at the British GP I could sense our season going down the pooper there if KK was injured!
  13. Hmm..I don't think he's alienated fans by not riding in the EL. It's certainly not done Tomasz Gollob or Jarek Hampel any harm in the popularity stakes judging by the appluase they were getting through the meeting! Think if there was any reason for any muted response (and I can't say I noticed it where I was sat) was the incident with Floppy. Haven't seen it again yet on TV but didn't think it any more or less than incidents I've seen a hundred times over at tracks around the country. How most people who have never ridden a speedway bike can judge whether a rider has gone down too easy is beyond me! And before anyone yelps about my loyalties I was cheering Floppy on as much as anyone - Brits first favourites second!!
  14. Glad you enjoyed it all George! Don't worry about the breakdown...I think you'll be back to the Millenium Stadium a more few times in years to come!
  15. Aww..Greg rocks! Oh and Eddie Kennett too...bless him. Think that was the point of this thread getting back to it.
  16. 2pm?! That's half the afternoon gone! What happened to noon?!
  17. Too right! If they moved it to London I'd stay at home and watch it on TV. The one reason for going to the GP is because of the location and facilities in Cardiff. Still can't see why they rebuilt Wembley anyway. A national stadium would have been far better built say near the NEC in Birmingham rather than some crummy part of North London.
  18. Congratulations George! On the rostrom - what a great result. He and Steve will be over the moon and much deserved as well. Thanks for the updates Tim - and well done to Josh and Ben Taylor. Is anyone going to catch Auty this year? Definitely one for the future.
  19. You sure PTW was talking about his phone when he said his batteries were going?
  20. Nice one George! What an opportunity - something that most other professionals won't even get chance to do - ride on that track in front of such a big crowd. Can Steve or Stressed keep us updated on what time it's likely to be on the day? Don't want to miss this at all.
  21. Oh..always up for a bit of pain and suffering. Count me in!
  22. The phrases 'deathwish' and 'playing with fire' spring to mind.
  23. Meeee..I did say in my post (which was all of 4 before yours ) it was my birthday on the day before the GP. It's usually me, A61 and Pammie who are the GP birthday girls, but sure we'll let you join our club.
  24. I did hear they're being lightweights. I mean...who lets their missus book their holiday on Cardiff weekend. Priorities, priorities. that's all I have to say. And I'll take you up on that L&L..make up for you missing me off your top 10 posters list.
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