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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. And just where do the stars come from? Of course, they're the youth of a few years ago who've come through the ranks. As you appear to be a supporter of a Conference League team I do find your train of thought very hard to follow Speedyguy - surely you should be an Elite League supporter if all you want are star names? I'm just glad your way of thinking is very much in the minority or todays 'stars' would be the last generation we're ever likely to see!
  2. Thanks Main Man - good to see some many of the names from the Dream Team tour doing well in this meeting and the other you've posted. Hopefully the team experience will set some of them up for a stint in the UK or European Leagues.
  3. It's not that Sube..I just don't think anyone else is as bothered about it as you.
  4. You really are a cheerful soul sometimes Sube. Lighten up and don't take it all so seriously. You might enjoy it more.
  5. And he passed Nicki P in the final and lived to tell the tale... Definitely worth a place on that achievement alone. Just joking before the NickiP disciples start buidling rabbit-shaped effigies to burn.
  6. Thanks for the info and link. Well done Scotty!
  7. Any news about the Czech Golden Helmet? Had a text earlier to say it's tipping it down out there. Are there any updates available?
  8. Damn...just as I'm starting to think I'm allergic to the stuff.
  9. Just heard from a mate that's out there that it's cost him less than a tenner for entry to both days plus programme. Talk about value for money!
  10. Don't get me started on you with that comment Iris! What makes you think you men talk any more sense on here anyway? It's my experience you're the source of all the bitching and aggravation anyway.
  11. I'm all for giving youngsters a chance - but all at once? Think you'll see one or two of those you've named (although not Lukas much as I would love to see him back at the top) in the series but the rest will have to wait - and why should we water it down just to give those who wouldn't ordinarily get in a place? You say of those named so far only Hampel has a chance to get into the top 8 - do you really think those you've mentioned would either?
  12. With all due respect Sube - and ignoring Anton and Hampel as they're already nominated - the sum of the other riders you've added would water down the GP series significantly. I want to see the World's top 16 riders, and those aren't it I'm afraid - by a long shot. At least yet - IMO. Whatever you think about the merits of Andersen, Sullivan (fully fit, not the pale shadow of his former self from this season which i think will see him dropped in '06), Nicholls and Richardson, they are in the top 16 in the world and so should be in the series. The top 8 cutoff is simply that - a cutoff. Personally I think it should be top 12 and then 3 nominated plus a wildcard but hey, you can't have it all. Maybe one or two out of your 5 might get in next year, but they none of them at present have any claim over the two Brits on current form. Think even Holta or PK would be able to have more right to a place than some of those at present.
  13. Sube - you're very vocal in your opinion that Scott and Lee shouldn't be in next year. I'm just wondering who you would name as the remaining non-qualifying riders who you feel should be in there. We're aware who you think shouldn't be - but who do you think should? You must have an idea - you can't simply damn then with no reply on who you think is more entitled to those places.
  14. Mimmo - best idea is to click on a selection of the prices and see what seats it throws back at you. Ordered mine last night during the Sky meeting - spooky or what but we've got the exact same seats we had this year. Not complaining cos they were front row and a great view - just £5 more expensive per ticket for the priviledge. Come on BSI - I know it's a showcase event and all but the words 'fleecing the fans' are starting to edge in. £60 for a ticket and that's not even the top whack - not exactly going to encourage the casual attendee is it?
  15. So if it had been Smoli in KKs place you wouldn't be pleased at all then? Ok...
  16. With all the controversy, I feel very sorry for Kasper. I can see him getting no credit at all for this over something which he has had no say over at all. It's happened, he was top of the pile at the end with Suchanek after 3 rides each and is now the U21 Champion. It's not his fault it was decided this way - Suchanek didn't want to ride in the run-off so what's KK to do? Anyway well done to the guy - we're proud of him down here and it's his name that will appear in the record books this year.
  17. Well Iris...the answer to all your questions is 42, but as this is speedway we'll make it 42.5 less bonus points (subject to special dispensation of course).
  18. No please do! I'm already looking forward to getting back out to Italy!
  19. Fine Sube - that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I just hate speedway by numbers and that's why I loved it. Meetings won on the fastest engine leave me cold - I'd ratter riders used their skill and cunning to pass, and capitalise on others mistakes if they make them. It was the same for everyone and after the first round of heats everyone knew how the track was riding. You made your own luck out there tonight and only the strong survived. That's what I pay my money for - if I didn't I'd sit at home and call every race.
  20. Cracking GP and everything a meeting should be. It kept us guessing the entire time. Absolutely brilliant and a great advert for speedway and a sock in the eye for the 'it's over by the first bend' critics. It was a meeting where riders had to think about what they were doing rather than just gate and wind on the throttle. Anyone who ever says slick tracks don't produce great meetings need only to look at this for reference. Couple of points. Firstly Tricky fully deserved his win. Total domination and quality performance. Secondly - full credit for Scotty - on his clash with Bjarne - his reaction to run over and lift the bike off Barney was the mark of a great sportsman. Good on ya! Wasn't expecting much from tonight to be honest, but have to say it was probably one of the best GPs in the series. If they run at Lonigo next year, I will be there. Ciao baby!
  21. You would be surprised just how many promoters. team managers, riders etc actually read this forum and gauge (between the cr@p that's written) the feeling of the fans. OK, so maybe some things, like the tactical ride rule etc still come in that the majority of fans don't like, but then the fans aren't the ones paying the wage bills and trying to balance the books. I'm certain a lot of fans would have a heart attack to know the wage bills of the riders out there and the associated costs. It's OK to sit at home and whinge, but if you were the ones paying the bills you'd soon change your mind if only xxx number of people were coming in each week. I'd agree that we need more consistency and less major changes, but I get the feeling that sometimes fans just don't like change whatever the reason behind it. Remember the outcry when it was suggested getting rid of helmet colours for God's sakes! I'd just say, keep putting forward your suggestions and points of view. It does get read by those in the echelons of power. Whether they do anything about it, is another matter. So using that rationale...BSPA what on earth are you thinking with this proposal for the KOC next year?! I'm semi-intelligent and I don't get it! I'm going to be innundated with questions from people around me who seem to think I have the answer to life, the universe and everything! Thanks!
  22. Me too, plus it's my birthday on the 10th so I'll be milking the fact for lots of free drinks at the PoW! Just watch it move to the end of August now!
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