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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. From you I take that as a compliment. and I will stay doing it thanks, unlike you I don't feel the need to buy my way in just to get any attention.
  2. That was a atough one to call and admit I did think Nicki had it, but only by a tyre-tread. If a dead heat had been called I don't think many people would have argued.
  3. Another totally immature comment but wouldn't expect anything different from you. What a fine example to your rider you are.
  4. You're just sore that Nicholls finished ahead of him in the final. FWIW thought Scott was lucky to get into the re-run. But you have to make your own luck and certain other riders pull hard moves and get away with it. People moan that Scott isn't determined or hard enough, and then when he is, that's wrong too. Look at the move Crump pulled on Bjarne in the semi as one example, no quarter asked or given - it's a tough sport - you either play with the big boys or go home I'm afraid.
  5. Nice one HS. Least I know I'm not going completely bonkers. As for logging in from trackside - I manage it from Poole so... Bought a new car so couldn't afford to do both. Next year maybe...
  6. Okies - no worries. There are a few freaks out there, and this forum isn't excempt from it's fair share.
  7. Hmm..I didn't think it was too bad last time either. Seem to have it in my head it was quite a decent GP. Perhaps the grey matter is turning into mush.
  8. Lastword - you might want to edit your post and remove your phone number from being publicly available to anyone looking in. If you want to exchange numbers addresses etc, I'd recommend sending a personal message.
  9. Sarcasm: A form of wit that is marked by the use of such language that is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule; a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. Irony: the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning; an expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
  10. Oh dear...that means i've been sarcastic for the last 5 years on here. Oops there I go again. Welcome to the forum Dakota - you'll soon get used to the way it goes on here - smilies n all.
  11. Well this week's Speedway Star has Middlo seemingly contemplating his future which should give VV his thrill of the morning. More telling to me are quotes from Scott Nicholls, talking about Middlo, what the other riders think and calling on the BSPA and the powers that be to back him to remain. Think that speaks far louder than a few keyboard commandos picking names out of thin air.
  12. Don't you just love the start of the school holidays...
  13. Would probably be more entertaining than the match. As Maximus said....'unleash hell'
  14. And? Harris obviously tucked it out of the way when he thought he was going down. Seen similar reactions in hundreds of bail-outs - not sure what else he was supposed to do with his leg if he didn't want it broken. Only Bomber knows whether he could have stayed on or not - but it's a well known fact that incidents look different on different camera angles and I certainly wouldn't want to make a decision based on just that one. It's done and dusted just can't see the point in going over it again and again when similar contacts happen week in and out.
  15. What should he have done then? Stick it out at an angle? Think if I was thought I was going to fall I'd want to tuck my leg out of the way too!
  16. Sure we'll get over it.We can't sign everyone. Poles are often more trouble in the team than they're worth tbh with their home commitments. As for not being wrong, is it worth the buzz leaking every bit of info you know? Spoils the fun I always found.
  17. Like this hasn't been done to death on all the other SWC threads. Did we need another?
  18. If that's the case he's playing off the clubs against each other. Don't get too excited either club. He'll probably end up totally elsewhere. I never believe the hype until it's signed sealed and delivered. Too many people have ended up looking prats before.
  19. I disagree - you can only go with what you know. Simon had the chance to impress on Thursday on a track that many fans said he struggled on and din't make much of an impression. Louis had scored double figures there this season. Given the difficult decision I'd have made the same one as Middlo. It's easy to be critical with hindsight...
  20. Wasn't having a go Steve or blaming anyone. Just saying it how I saw it.
  21. True but you can still get the feel of a meeting and see the reaction of the crowd. If anything you see it better because you're watching it straight on. I'll come back outside sure, but you won't get any race details on the scoreboard. Let's face it, everyone gets different things from a meeting - I just didn't get much from this arvo. No criticism of anyone, it just left me feeling flat when it ought to have been a buzzing celebration of a true great. As for reminiscing I meant from the other riders. Other than Tony, Holder and Klindt (where there last two were talking about their own careers) there were no comments from the Poole riders and fellow GP competitors about Tony.
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