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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. Just had a text about this...says it's totally covered in polythene as it's been hammering down for the last 20 hours or so. As you say, will be itneresting to see how the track holds up and whether all the reasons why it can't be done are false.
  2. Blimey - and we thought we had problems!
  3. Nicki makes me chuckle - he was interviewed and doing his hard done by statement after being excluded, then he finishes with a big grin. I never know whether he's just saying it because he thinks he should make some sort of statement, or whether he actually believes what he's saying. Just can't dislike that bloke...
  4. Always good to see a new winner step forward. Gets a bit boring when it's the same old names every time. Let's hope it spurs him onto to what he is capable of achieving. Shame that British speedway is missing someone of his calibre though - on form he's as good as anyone and more entertaining than most.
  5. Sube you should know that basing an argument on a snippet of an ongoing debate / argument is slightly unfair. There was more going on during that meeting then ever made it to TV.
  6. Very good point and one noted tonight in the Rabbit hutch with much disgust. Amazing what the lure of the GPs will do. Or is it a Race Director with a fist of iron?
  7. Lol SCB. Much as the Hans v Scott 'grudge' makes for entertaining viewing when the two clash, I just hope that the red mist doesn't descend to such a stage that they endanger each other or worse other riders on the track. It seems they both like to get one over the other, and the sparks are just waiting to fly each time. Both as bad as each other imo, which is fine for the viewer, just as long as they don't get too stupid about it.
  8. Just what I said....Cov v Pboro on Sky's a good place to start. Could be very interesting...
  9. Nice one AJ. Quaility rider. Just wish he had the hunger of some of the other riders and he'd be up there challenging for the title. He has the talent thats for sure and in full flow is as good to watch as any rider. Have my own views on the incidents, but as I'm not a great fan of a couple of the riders involved anyway it might not be that objective so I'll keep my opinions to myself.
  10. If it's Millard I'd say a very high chance, and several times. Award yourselves 25 points in Millard-bingo every time he says it. I make that out to equate to one double shot each time. Hope you see the whole meeting...
  11. Sounds a damn good idea to me. The series needs more racers like him back in it. Sad to say, but we have a big gap in this country of riders ready for the GP stage and although i've nothing against Rico, he's just not making a place his own. Having seen Loramski on Wednesday he's definitely back to his stunning old form. Haven't seen him as dominant round our track for a couple of years and thought maybe we'd seen the best of him. Loramski for the GPs - got my vote.
  12. Just been sent the result from tonight's Swedish U21 Final if anyone's interested. 1st Antonio Lindback 2nd Seb Alden 3rd Tomas Jonasson 4th Freddie Lindgren (ex tapes) Congrats to Antonio. Hopefully one of our Swedish posters has some more info on the meeting.
  13. Yet more sad news for the sport. My sympathies to his family and friends.
  14. Aah right. Think I've heard of him. Don't really do sport history.
  15. As I said, all riders are as bad as each other. Man's sport yes, so perhaps they should all start acting like men instead of playground twit for tat whinging and whining. Still I suppose it sells papers - all media types love the sniff of a grudge between competitors in any sport.
  16. Hmm unlike Hans bleating to the press when the Eastie v Pboro match went ahead without him and how it wasn't on / unfair/ Eastie were so desperate to win etc, attempting to take the gloss off Easties win. Face it, all riders are as bad as each other.
  17. Some referees prefer to just use their initial feeling and judgement - the rationale being that they don't have the technology available to them most of the time to use so why should the cameras being there make a difference. It is a valid point - how many times has a rider been exonerated or vindicated depending on which camera angle you watch it from. At least not using the technology he's calling it how he sees it and isn't influenced.
  18. Are the seven 'x's at the bottom a coded expletive? Are we to guess what it says?
  19. Old Greg has pulled a few ruthless moves in his time as well - most of the top guys have, either in GPs or league racing. Remember our lads being on the end of a few H&H sandwiches at Cradley in past years and sure fans of other clubs can too. He's not up there for canonisation just yet.
  20. It's a tough one - we admire the Danes and their hard riding Pedersen and Andersen combination, yet get a Brit showing the same osrt of moves and it's frowned upon. Why is this? I'm not a huge Scotty fan - well no more or less than any other rider, but I do cheer him on in the GPs and national events. I do find the ongoing conversations about whether his riding is good or bad quite interesting when compared to someone like say, Nicki P. Nicki divides opinion right down the middle - does Scott do the same? Aggressive or doesn't have the killer instinct? Interesting what you say about the rider pre and post meeting F4E. I must admit I never see what riders do other than their track walk and the riding. It wouldn't bother me if one of our riders disappeared straight after a meeting - he's maybe got a distance to travel and wants to get home. I've seen behind the scenes in years gone by and seena dn heard what goes on here and there and tbh it nearly put me right off the sport in some cases. Don't know - I'm always more interested in what riders do on track nowadays. I've lost respect for many a rider for seeing what a d-head they are off track and that's difficult to get back.
  21. This isn't the place for such a discussion but you know there have been veiled comments in the past. If you want to discuss it come and find me. I've no problems talking to people. Let's get this back to the GP. Most (all) people are not interested in this I'm sure.
  22. No problem, I just don't like vindictive posts from people who should know better directed at clubs (particularly the club I support) or riders. Keep posting them, and I'll keep replying. Talking of knocking riders off isn't exactly going to illicit any respect and that's just one example. If that doesn't cover it, you obviously know what I do at Poole so you come and find me. Always up for a discussion.
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